Exit bank Witches and wizards store their money in Gringotts Wizarding Bank.
The bank, run by goblins, towers over the other shops with its snowy white façade and bronzed, guarded doors.
Gringotts vaults are buried deep below its main hall, accessed by taking bumpy, speedy cart rides through the rocky underground caverns. There are few safer places in the wizarding world than Gringotts Wizarding Bank.
Gringotts Wizarding Bank
BloodQuest15496's vault
Your balance
392 Galleons You can spend your Galleons in Diagon Alley at some of the most fascinating wizarding shops in the world.
Go to Diagon Alley "The gold ones are Galleons... Seventeen silver Sickles to a Galleon and twenty-nine Knuts to a Sickle, it's easy enough."