After batik is recognized as a world heritage in 2009 and sometime after Malaysia claimed batik as a Malaysian‟s, many Indonesian people are beginning to feel the need to preserve and recognize batik as their identity of their nation. The spirit of batik users are so tempestuous, reflected from the various segments of the user. Ministry of Commerce declared the results of the survey 77% of the population of Indonesia admitted using batik at least once a month and 62% of the population wore batik products in the same frequency, Sudarmadi (2011). Lately batik is being used by various groups, whether old generation or young generation. Many students and young people are wearing batik in everyday activity. They wear it to the office, school, party, relax or to worship. Role of government to encourage the use of batik gives significant contribution in the rise of batik industry. Prompts government to use batik once a week or on Friday at various government agencies to create a powerful multiplier effect. In addition to civil servants who use batik, in fact, many private companies are also mandatory or at least encourage their employees wear batik on certain weekdays,that it does not only make the batik industry blooms but also made many people aware of the cultural and national identity.