Già vi ho dato tre giorni di proroga visto che doveva arrivare il 17-12-2014 se il pacco non arriva per il 20 io chiederò il rimborso visto che nei giorni successivi non potrà ritirarlo nessuno
Already I have given three-day postponement because he had to get the 12/17/2014 if the parcel does not arrive for 20 I'll ask a refund because over the next few days will not collect any
I have already given three days since she had to get an extension on 12.17.2014 if the package does not arrive for 20 I will ask the reimbursement as in the following days will not withdraw any
I already gave you three days to see should be extended to 2014 December 17 - if not for the 20 packet to pay I will see later in life can not do without him