Juilian Rocks - Byron Bay is a great dive I would go with Blue Bay they run a bigger boat than Sundive and you stay out for a double dive. Welcome to Blue Bay Divers - Byron Bay's Most Comfortable Dive and Snorkel Boat Very relaxed professional operation (and I do no and have used Sundive and Byron Bay dive centre)
Given the time of year you may see may Leopard Sharks and Mata Rays, there may be Gray Nurse sharks possible just a bit late.
Flat Rock and Manta Bommie - Point Lookout Stradbroke Island (off Brisbane) Manta Lodge and Scuba Centre : Stradbroke Island :: Learn to Dive - Online Open Water Course
Given the time of year you may see Leopard Sharks and Mata Rays, there may be Gray Nurse sharks possible just a bit late.
Flinders Reef - off Brisbane there are a number of local operators that dive here (I haven't used than as I have my own boat for this dive) typically on weekends. Go Dive run Fridays Scuba Dive Brisbane | Go Dive Brisbane | Learn To Scuba Dive | PADI Dive Shop and are a good shop. Go Dive may also run to some more remote sites that are not dived a lot. https://www.google.com.au/search?q=f...ef+moreton+bay
Should see good coral, lost of fish and turtles.
Further down the coast at South West Rocks is a spectacular dive Fish Rock Cave Fish Rock Cave - Dive Fish Rock with the South West Rocks Dive Centre Australia.
Probably see Gray Nurse possible hammer head sharks.
At Sunshine Coast (Mooloolaba) just north of Brisbane, if you feel like a wreck dive (sunk navy ship), on the ex-HMAS Brisbane. I have dived with Sun Reef a few times they were goodhttp://www.sunreef.com.au/dive-the-e...ne-wreck-dive/ there is also http://scubaworld.com.au/dive-sites/dive-hmas-brisbane/ also a good operator.
I have chartered yachts in the Whitsundays a number of times, there are some okay dive sites but really it is best snorkelled. The better dive sites are towards the top (of the main group of islands) whilst Whitehaven Beach is to the central/south. Just north of Whitehaven Beach is Boarder Island, there is some okay snorkelling on the north side. The islands are not coral clays, they are rock with some coral fringe. Whitehaven beach is spectacular but it is a big trip to see a white beach
Great coral can be found at Heron island. There is accommodation on the island. http://diveadventures.com.au/pages/d...alia/heron.htm. I have dived this reef system but only from a 70foot yacht that no longer operates in the area.
I have dived a couple of live aboards out of Cairns where I took my son. Diving was ok but not that impressive. I have heard good things about the mike ball trips but have not done one. With only three or four days you are not going to get much diving on the northern less travelled reefs. I have dived Lady Elliot Island several times which is located on the southern end of the GBR. Each trip I have experienced great reef diving (healthy reefs) and they have mantas there year round, but not so many in the winter months (but the migrating whales in the winter months make up for it). We normally do two boats dives a day. Dive sites are usually less than ten minutes by boat. The island is located on the reef and you can get some very good snorkelling during the day. You fly to the island by small plane. Flights leave from Harvey bay, Bundaberg and Gold Coast. The accommodation is basic, cabins with a/c and their own bathroom. They also have tent type accommodation with shared facilities. I choose the cabins with a lounge room and on the waters edge. Food is basic but good and plenty of it. From memory breakfast and dinner included in the cost and you buy your own lunch. Heron island is reasonably close to lady Elliot but I have not dived it. It also has a reputation as a great diving location. Hope this helps.
I would STRONGLY consider, especially given that you have a budget and limited time, that you go to Byron Bay and dive there. It's what we did when we went to Australia. We enjoyed Sydney, and then went up to the Hunter Valley and went wine tasting. Then we flew to Brisbane and rented a car, and drove down to Byron Bay. We spent three days diving with Sundive, and we had a ball. I would love to go back. The town has some beautiful hotels and some budget places, but we stayed a bit out of town at Planula Lodge, which was perfect for divers. There are great restaurants. The ride from the dive shop to the dive site is about 20 minutes. The density and variety of marine life was amazing. We were in the same situation you are -- we wanted to dive the GBR, but didn't have the time or money to do a liveaboard, and we were worried about the awful reports of the inshore reefs. Byron Bay was the answer.
Juilian 岩石-拜倫灣是不錯的潛水,我會去與藍色海灣他們運行比 Sundive 更大的船,你在外面呆雙人跳水。歡迎來到藍色海灣潛水夫-拜倫灣最舒適潛水和浮潛船非常放鬆專業操作 (和我做沒有和使用 Sundive 和拜倫灣潛水中心)給出了一年的時候可能會看到可能豹鯊魚和瑪塔射線可能有灰色護士鯊可能只是有點晚了。 平岩和蝠鱝 Bommie-點瞭望德布魯克島 (布里斯班) 蝠鱝洛奇和潛水中心: 斯特德布魯克島: 潛水-線上開放水課程學習由於您可能會看到豹子鯊魚和瑪塔射線一年的時間,可能有灰色護士鯊可能只是有點晚了。 弗林德斯暗礁布里斯班當地有很多當地的運營商,在這裡潛水 (我沒有用作比我有我自己對於這次下潛的船) 通常在週末。去潛水運行星期五潛水潛水布里斯班 |去潛水布里斯班 |瞭解到戴水肺潛水 |PADI 潛水用品店和一家好的店。去潛水也可能跑到一些較偏遠的網站,有很多不是跳下水。HTTPs://www.google.com.au/search?q=f...ef+moreton+bay應該看到好的珊瑚,失去了的魚和海龜。 進一步在西南岩海岸下來是壯觀的潛水魚洞穴魚岩石窟-南方西岩潛水中心澳大利亞潛水魚岩。可能看到灰色護士可能錘子頭鯊魚。 At Sunshine Coast (Mooloolaba) just north of Brisbane, if you feel like a wreck dive (sunk navy ship), on the ex-HMAS Brisbane. I have dived with Sun Reef a few times they were goodhttp://www.sunreef.com.au/dive-the-e...ne-wreck-dive/ there is also http://scubaworld.com.au/dive-sites/dive-hmas-brisbane/ also a good operator. I have chartered yachts in the Whitsundays a number of times, there are some okay dive sites but really it is best snorkelled. The better dive sites are towards the top (of the main group of islands) whilst Whitehaven Beach is to the central/south. Just north of Whitehaven Beach is Boarder Island, there is some okay snorkelling on the north side. The islands are not coral clays, they are rock with some coral fringe. Whitehaven beach is spectacular but it is a big trip to see a white beach Great coral can be found at Heron island. There is accommodation on the island. http://diveadventures.com.au/pages/d...alia/heron.htm. I have dived this reef system but only from a 70foot yacht that no longer operates in the area. I have dived a couple of live aboards out of Cairns where I took my son. Diving was ok but not that impressive. I have heard good things about the mike ball trips but have not done one. With only three or four days you are not going to get much diving on the northern less travelled reefs. I have dived Lady Elliot Island several times which is located on the southern end of the GBR. Each trip I have experienced great reef diving (healthy reefs) and they have mantas there year round, but not so many in the winter months (but the migrating whales in the winter months make up for it). We normally do two boats dives a day. Dive sites are usually less than ten minutes by boat. The island is located on the reef and you can get some very good snorkelling during the day. You fly to the island by small plane. Flights leave from Harvey bay, Bundaberg and Gold Coast. The accommodation is basic, cabins with a/c and their own bathroom. They also have tent type accommodation with shared facilities. I choose the cabins with a lounge room and on the waters edge. Food is basic but good and plenty of it. From memory breakfast and dinner included in the cost and you buy your own lunch. Heron island is reasonably close to lady Elliot but I have not dived it. It also has a reputation as a great diving location. Hope this helps. I would STRONGLY consider, especially given that you have a budget and limited time, that you go to Byron Bay and dive there. It's what we did when we went to Australia. We enjoyed Sydney, and then went up to the Hunter Valley and went wine tasting. Then we flew to Brisbane and rented a car, and drove down to Byron Bay. We spent three days diving with Sundive, and we had a ball. I would love to go back. The town has some beautiful hotels and some budget places, but we stayed a bit out of town at Planula Lodge, which was perfect for divers. There are great restaurants. The ride from the dive shop to the dive site is about 20 minutes. The density and variety of marine life was amazing. We were in the same situation you are -- we wanted to dive the GBR, but didn't have the time or money to do a liveaboard, and we were worried about the awful reports of the inshore reefs. Byron Bay was the answer.