FTIR analysis was carried out on all composite films (Figure 6). The absorption bands for <br>gelatin-based composite films containing CO in the IR spectra are situated in the amide band region. <br>The band situated around 3299, 1635, 1550, 1238 cm−1<br> correspond to amide-A and water molecules, <br>amide I, amide II, and amide III, respectively [41–43]. Amide-A represents NH-stretching coupled <br>with hydrogen bonding; amide-I represents C = O stretching/hydrogen bonding coupled with COO; <br>amide-II arises from the bending vibration of N–H groups and stretching vibrations of C–N groups; <br>amide-III is related to vibrations in the plane of C–N and N–H groups of bound amide or vibrations of <br>CH2 groups of glycine [40,42,43].