Beim Anklemmen erst nur Flash-Funktion .Nach mehrmaligem Probieren Hell oder Sehr hell.Das Gerät schaltet wie es will.Ich brauche beim Einschalten immer sofort die helle Stufe! Was jetzt? mfG Norbert Tumovec
When connecting only Flash function. After repeated trial and error light or very bright. The device switches as it pleases. I need the light level when you turn immediately! What now? mfG Norbert Tumovec
When connecting only just flash function .After repeated Try Bright or Very hell.Das unit switches as will.Ich always need when switching instantly bright stage! What now? mfG Norbert Tumovec
the anklemmen not only flash function. after many try light or very light. the device switches as it wants. i need to turn on immediately the bright stage. what now? norbert tumovec mfg