MIT Reads is an all-MIT reading experience that aims to build community and foster understanding. Events and discussions are open to the entire MIT community.Spring 2020 book selection: There ThereIt is a pleasure to announce our next selection, chosen in partnership with the Indigenous Peoples Advocacy Committee: Tommy Orange’s There There. Read more and learn how to get the book.About the bookThis “astonishing literary debut” of “pure soaring beauty” is “masterful…white hot…devastating” in its voicing of “twelve characters from Native communities: all traveling to the Big Oakland Powwow, all connected to one another in ways they may not yet realize.” “This chorus of voices tells of the plight of the urban Native American—grappling with a complex and painful history, with an inheritance of beauty and spirituality, with communion and sacrifice and heroism.”EventsEvents and small group discussions will be scheduled in April. Check back for updates or sign up for our mailing list.MIT Reads is sponsored by the MIT Libraries and the MIT Press Bookstore.