00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:03,030
one of the terms we've mentioned and
that you're gonna hear constantly
00:00:03,030 --> 00:00:08,590
throughout your photographic career is a
. or in short a stock of light what is a
00:00:08,590 --> 00:00:11,690
stop you're gonna be doing this at an
especially when we talk about exposure
00:00:11,690 --> 00:00:15,839
well as stop is simply a relative
measurement of light it means either
00:00:15,839 --> 00:00:19,699
double or half the amount of light but
what is that relative to what are we
00:00:19,699 --> 00:00:23,859
doubling what are we having well if I
had to say a stop as relative to
00:00:23,859 --> 00:00:27,279
basically whatever we currently have and
where we want to go and relative to
00:00:27,279 --> 00:00:31,830
everything well that makes absolutely no
sense and is a terrible explanation and
00:00:31,830 --> 00:00:35,750
if I were to ask you a question will
tell me this how about you tell me how
00:00:35,750 --> 00:00:40,059
much light is actually in this scene if
you're starting a photography what would
00:00:40,059 --> 00:00:43,430
you say to that if they tell me the
exposure value of this scene we're gonna
00:00:43,430 --> 00:00:47,800
go oh there's sixty five gallons of
light in the senior there's two hundred
00:00:47,800 --> 00:00:52,340
and forty two leaders like this in those
terms they absolutely no sense and there
00:00:52,340 --> 00:00:55,750
really aren't any specific terms of
measurement for measuring the amount of
00:00:55,750 --> 00:00:59,300
lightness scene well actually you know
what I live there are we can measure in
00:00:59,300 --> 00:01:03,120
terms of lumens which is again kinda
confusing we can also measure in terms
00:01:03,120 --> 00:01:08,570
of V's or exposure value but it's hard
to tell you that this room has an Evo 8
00:01:08,570 --> 00:01:14,250
or virus a shooting outdoors and sunny
weather has an Evo 15 what would that
00:01:14,250 --> 00:01:17,049
mean that would mean absolutely nothing
to someone just starting out in
00:01:17,049 --> 00:01:21,880
photography so instead we use terms like
a stop so estaba simply gonna be
00:01:21,880 --> 00:01:25,700
describing where we're at with our
current exposure and where we need to go
00:01:25,700 --> 00:01:29,100
so to show you all and hammer the point
home we're gonna be using our same
00:01:29,100 --> 00:01:34,500
exposure triangle real-world county will
kisses are visual analogy not real world
00:01:34,500 --> 00:01:39,229
and what I want you to remember is that
will stop is either double or half the
00:01:39,229 --> 00:01:42,549
amount of brightness but we have three
ways to control that so let's talk about
00:01:42,549 --> 00:01:46,180
it let's go ahead and first and what am
i doing just open up my faucet all the
00:01:46,180 --> 00:01:50,049
way to my wireless adapter what we're
gonna say is that this faucet is our
00:01:50,049 --> 00:01:50,560
00:01:50,560 --> 00:01:54,649
and has a maximum aperture of F 2.8
that's why did they can go so this is as
00:01:54,649 --> 00:01:58,340
much light as we're gonna get nowhere to
do is go ahead and bring my feeling hurt
00:01:58,340 --> 00:02:06,460
up in and let's do this and any use my
time and I want to get back to that ok
00:02:06,460 --> 00:02:11,900
so what I want to do is I want to add a
second shutter speed and I'm asked my
00:02:11,900 --> 00:02:18,120
after a 2.8 and i 100 ISO will find a
start this and i three seconds we know
00:02:18,120 --> 00:02:21,540
from a for that basically we're only
going to get halfway three seconds we
00:02:21,540 --> 00:02:26,890
fill the cup half way up now filled
halfway this means that we're one stop
00:02:26,890 --> 00:02:32,940
underexposed or I need to brighten my
image by one stop at the same thing so
00:02:32,940 --> 00:02:36,940
we have one thousand or close to what I
need to do is that three second instead
00:02:36,940 --> 00:02:43,610
of using a free second I would need to
double or increase the charity by 1000
00:02:43,610 --> 00:02:46,380
brightness and now I mean that I W 26
00:02:46,380 --> 00:02:50,420
those where the reset that we're gonna
go again six seconds and we're going to
00:02:50,420 --> 00:02:57,830
double it we're gonna get all the way
filled up and there we go
00:02:57,830 --> 00:03:02,830
ok so at six seconds we doubled the
shutter speed we increase the shutter
00:03:02,830 --> 00:03:06,350
speed by one stop to get one stop
brighter to get to our proper exposure
00:03:06,350 --> 00:03:10,440
well same thing with the after we can
adjust the apt to give us one stop
00:03:10,440 --> 00:03:14,200
brighter one-stop darker one more thing
I want to go over one last thing what if
00:03:14,200 --> 00:03:17,750
I leave it for a shutter speed of let's
say 12 seconds
00:03:17,750 --> 00:03:22,030
well at 12 seconds if this was again in
the same scenario what ends up happening
00:03:22,030 --> 00:03:27,620
in our to guess we're gonna end up
overbilling the cup so if I over the
00:03:27,620 --> 00:03:31,300
filling up in this isn't actually go up
this point but overfill I could say that
00:03:31,300 --> 00:03:35,100
I need to go with one stop starter so we
can adjust the shutter speed and cut it
00:03:35,100 --> 00:03:39,100
in half to get back to that point so
this is kind of our overexposed images
00:03:39,100 --> 00:03:45,600
now if we want to our after ok so after
let's go ahead and open the faucet up to
00:03:45,600 --> 00:03:49,540
I'm gonna say this is full so this is a
hefty pointed at their widest open after
00:03:49,540 --> 00:03:54,770
let's say this is around f4 so that's
one thousand darker or half the amount
00:03:54,770 --> 00:03:58,880
of light as F 2.8 ok so now let's go
ahead and we're going to do their same
00:03:58,880 --> 00:04:04,269
cup and do here is let's use at six
second shutter speed again and let's see
00:04:04,269 --> 00:04:07,130
where we get a head start
00:04:07,130 --> 00:04:13,989
we should get roughly around half of
that was indeed and we do 525 second and
00:04:13,989 --> 00:04:19,260
we basically got half of our exposures
so you can see here so it's not exactly
00:04:19,260 --> 00:04:23,250
around a little bit but we got basically
have to where we need to go so when you
00:04:23,250 --> 00:04:27,930
do it again we need to increase the
aperture by one stopped and brightness
00:04:27,930 --> 00:04:32,050
and I double it so again we would go
back up to full light ok so you can see
00:04:32,050 --> 00:04:35,010
how these are two different until
they're ready in controlling the doctor
00:04:35,010 --> 00:04:39,570
his brightness now let's say this is
another example and we're gonna say that
00:04:39,570 --> 00:04:43,360
for compositional purposes I'm shooting
water and trying to get that whiskey
00:04:43,360 --> 00:04:48,310
water effect and I find that out 1.5
seconds that gives me the perfect look
00:04:48,310 --> 00:04:52,110
in the water its not showing too much
motion it's not freezing it too much is
00:04:52,110 --> 00:04:55,530
just right so I need to keep my shutter
speed 1.5 seconds
00:04:55,530 --> 00:04:59,930
let's also say that we're at F 2.8 so we
maximize the amount of light coming
00:04:59,930 --> 00:05:00,870
through we can
00:05:00,870 --> 00:05:05,280
going anymore now I need to go with 1.5
seconds my study because that for
00:05:05,280 --> 00:05:09,110
compositional purposes I want to change
it but the problem is that well at iso
00:05:09,110 --> 00:05:16,100
100 if I go for 1.5 seconds we get only
a quarter of the cup filled out so we're
00:05:16,100 --> 00:05:21,100
two stops under expose well same thing
about go to ISO 200 with his 1,000th
00:05:21,100 --> 00:05:27,390
brighter than ISO 100 at 1.5 seconds we
only get half way so we're one stop
00:05:27,390 --> 00:05:32,000
under exposed so what I need to do is
going to stop and I go to ISO 400 and I
100:00:00,000 --> 00:00:03,030one of the terms we've mentioned andthat you're gonna hear constantly200:00:03,030 --> 00:00:08,590throughout your photographic career is a. or in short a stock of light what is a300:00:08,590 --> 00:00:11,690stop you're gonna be doing this at anespecially when we talk about exposure400:00:11,690 --> 00:00:15,839well as stop is simply a relativemeasurement of light it means either500:00:15,839 --> 00:00:19,699double or half the amount of light butwhat is that relative to what are we600:00:19,699 --> 00:00:23,859doubling what are we having well if Ihad to say a stop as relative to700:00:23,859 --> 00:00:27,279basically whatever we currently have andwhere we want to go and relative to800:00:27,279 --> 00:00:31,830everything well that makes absolutely nosense and is a terrible explanation and900:00:31,830 --> 00:00:35,750if I were to ask you a question willtell me this how about you tell me how1000:00:35,750 --> 00:00:40,059much light is actually in this scene ifyou're starting a photography what would1100:00:40,059 --> 00:00:43,430you say to that if they tell me theexposure value of this scene we're gonna1200:00:43,430 --> 00:00:47,800go oh there's sixty five gallons oflight in the senior there's two hundred1300:00:47,800 --> 00:00:52,340and forty two leaders like this in thoseterms they absolutely no sense and there1400:00:52,340 --> 00:00:55,750really aren't any specific terms ofmeasurement for measuring the amount of1500:00:55,750 --> 00:00:59,300lightness scene well actually you knowwhat I live there are we can measure in1600:00:59,300 --> 00:01:03,120terms of lumens which is again kindaconfusing we can also measure in terms1700:01:03,120 --> 00:01:08,570of V's or exposure value but it's hardto tell you that this room has an Evo 81800:01:08,570 --> 00:01:14,250or virus a shooting outdoors and sunnyweather has an Evo 15 what would that1900:01:14,250 --> 00:01:17,049mean that would mean absolutely nothingto someone just starting out in2000:01:17,049 --> 00:01:21,880photography so instead we use terms likea stop so estaba simply gonna be2100:01:21,880 --> 00:01:25,700describing where we're at with ourcurrent exposure and where we need to go2200:01:25,700 --> 00:01:29,100so to show you all and hammer the pointhome we're gonna be using our same2300:01:29,100 --> 00:01:34,500exposure triangle real-world county willkisses are visual analogy not real world2400:01:34,500 --> 00:01:39,229and what I want you to remember is thatwill stop is either double or half the2500:01:39,229 --> 00:01:42,549amount of brightness but we have threeways to control that so let's talk about2600:01:42,549 --> 00:01:46,180it let's go ahead and first and what ami doing just open up my faucet all the2700:01:46,180 --> 00:01:50,049way to my wireless adapter what we'regonna say is that this faucet is our2800:01:50,049 --> 00:01:50,560land2900:01:50,560 --> 00:01:54,649and has a maximum aperture of F 2.8that's why did they can go so this is as3000:01:54,649 --> 00:01:58,340much light as we're gonna get nowhere todo is go ahead and bring my feeling hurt3100:01:58,340 --> 00:02:06,460up in and let's do this and any use mytime and I want to get back to that ok3200:02:06,460 --> 00:02:11,900so what I want to do is I want to add asecond shutter speed and I'm asked my3300:02:11,900 --> 00:02:18,120after a 2.8 and i 100 ISO will find astart this and i three seconds we know3400:02:18,120 --> 00:02:21,540from a for that basically we're onlygoing to get halfway three seconds we3500:02:21,540 --> 00:02:26,890fill the cup half way up now filledhalfway this means that we're one stop3600:02:26,890 --> 00:02:32,940underexposed or I need to brighten myimage by one stop at the same thing so3700:02:32,940 --> 00:02:36,940we have one thousand or close to what Ineed to do is that three second instead3800:02:36,940 --> 00:02:43,610of using a free second I would need todouble or increase the charity by 10003900:02:43,610 --> 00:02:46,380brightness and now I mean that I W 26seconds4000:02:46,380 --> 00:02:50,420those where the reset that we're gonnago again six seconds and we're going to4100:02:50,420 --> 00:02:57,830double it we're gonna get all the wayfilled up and there we go4200:02:57,830 --> 00:03:02,830ok so at six seconds we doubled theshutter speed we increase the shutter4300:03:02,830 --> 00:03:06,350speed by one stop to get one stopbrighter to get to our proper exposure4400:03:06,350 --> 00:03:10,440well same thing with the after we canadjust the apt to give us one stop4500:03:10,440 --> 00:03:14,200brighter one-stop darker one more thingI want to go over one last thing what if4600:03:14,200 --> 00:03:17,750I leave it for a shutter speed of let'ssay 12 seconds4700:03:17,750 --> 00:03:22,030well at 12 seconds if this was again inthe same scenario what ends up happening4800:03:22,030 --> 00:03:27,620in our to guess we're gonna end upoverbilling the cup so if I over the4900:03:27,620 --> 00:03:31,300filling up in this isn't actually go upthis point but overfill I could say that5000:03:31,300 --> 00:03:35,100I need to go with one stop starter so wecan adjust the shutter speed and cut it5100:03:35,100 --> 00:03:39,100in half to get back to that point sothis is kind of our overexposed images5200:03:39,100 --> 00:03:45,600now if we want to our after ok so afterlet's go ahead and open the faucet up to5300:03:45,600 --> 00:03:49,540I'm gonna say this is full so this is ahefty pointed at their widest open after5400:03:49,540 --> 00:03:54,770let's say this is around f4 so that'sone thousand darker or half the amount5500:03:54,770 --> 00:03:58,880of light as F 2.8 ok so now let's goahead and we're going to do their same5600:03:58,880 --> 00:04:04,269cup and do here is let's use at sixsecond shutter speed again and let's see5700:04:04,269 --> 00:04:07,130where we get a head start5800:04:07,130 --> 00:04:13,989we should get roughly around half ofthat was indeed and we do 525 second and5900:04:13,989 --> 00:04:19,260we basically got half of our exposuresso you can see here so it's not exactly6000:04:19,260 --> 00:04:23,250around a little bit but we got basicallyhave to where we need to go so when you6100:04:23,250 --> 00:04:27,930do it again we need to increase theaperture by one stopped and brightness6200:04:27,930 --> 00:04:32,050and I double it so again we would goback up to full light ok so you can see6300:04:32,050 --> 00:04:35,010how these are two different untilthey're ready in controlling the doctor6400:04:35,010 --> 00:04:39,570his brightness now let's say this isanother example and we're gonna say that6500:04:39,570 --> 00:04:43,360for compositional purposes I'm shootingwater and trying to get that whiskey6600:04:43,360 --> 00:04:48,310water effect and I find that out 1.5seconds that gives me the perfect look6700:04:48,310 --> 00:04:52,110in the water its not showing too muchmotion it's not freezing it too much is6800:04:52,110 --> 00:04:55,530just right so I need to keep my shutterspeed 1.5 seconds6900:04:55,530 --> 00:04:59,930let's also say that we're at F 2.8 so wemaximize the amount of light coming7000:04:59,930 --> 00:05:00,870through we can7100:05:00,870 --> 00:05:05,280going anymore now I need to go with 1.5seconds my study because that for7200:05:05,280 --> 00:05:09,110compositional purposes I want to changeit but the problem is that well at iso7300:05:09,110 --> 00:05:16,100100 if I go for 1.5 seconds we get onlya quarter of the cup filled out so we're7400:05:16,100 --> 00:05:21,100two stops under expose well same thingabout go to ISO 200 with his 1,000th7500:05:21,100 --> 00:05:27,390brighter than ISO 100 at 1.5 seconds weonly get half way so we're one stop7600:05:27,390 --> 00:05:32,000under exposed so what I need to do isgoing to stop and I go to ISO 400 and I