Confidential Information. “Confidential Information” as used in the Agreement means all information which is confidential to a Party and disclosed to the other Parties, either in writing or orally, and any document, electronic file or any other way of representing or recording information which contains or is derived or copied from such information and which is identified as being confidential at the time of disclosure by such disclosing Party to the other receiving Parties, and which, if disclosed orally, is reduced to writing and identified as being confidential within thirty (30) days after disclosure by such disclosing Party to the other receiving Parties, whether of a technical, engineering, financial, commercial, operational, economic or otherwise and including but not limited to analyses, compilations, studies or other documents or records which contain, or otherwise reflect or are generated from such information, provided, however, that Confidential Information shall not include information which a receiving Party can prove that: (a) prior to the disclosure was already in such receiving Party’s possession; (b) prior to or subsequent to the disclosure was obtained by such receiving Party from a third party who is not in violation of any obligation of confidentiality or non-disclosure in making such disclosure; (c) prior to the disclosure was in the public domain; (d) subsequent to the disclosure was in the public domain other than by or through a breach of this Agreement by such receiving Party or its directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives, or others receiving information by virtue of this Agreement; or (e) is independently developed by such receiving Party or its directors, officers, employees, agents or representatives without reference to Confidential Information.
Confidential Information. “Confidential Information” as used in the Agreement means all information which is confidential to a Party and disclosed to the other Parties, either in writing or orally, and any document, electronic file or any other way of representing or recording information which contains or is derived or copied from such information and which is identified as being confidential at the time of disclosure by such disclosing Party to the other receiving Parties, and which, if disclosed orally, is reduced to writing and identified as being confidential within thirty (30) days after disclosure by such disclosing Party to the other receiving Parties, whether of a technical, engineering, financial, commercial, operational, economic or otherwise and including but not limited to analyses, compilations, studies or other documents or records which contain, or otherwise reflect or are generated from such information, provided, however, that Confidential Information shall not include information which a receiving Party can prove that: (a) prior to the disclosure was already in such receiving Party’s possession; (b) prior to or subsequent to the disclosure was obtained by such receiving Party from a third party who is not in violation of any obligation of confidentiality or non-disclosure in making such disclosure; (c) prior to the disclosure was in the public domain; (d) subsequent to the disclosure was in the public domain other than by or through a breach of this Agreement by such receiving Party or its directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives, or others receiving information by virtue of this Agreement; or (e) is independently developed by such receiving Party or its directors, officers, employees, agents or representatives without reference to Confidential Information.
Informasi Rahasia. "Informasi Rahasia" seperti yang digunakan dalam Perjanjian berarti semua informasi yang bersifat rahasia kepada Partai dan diungkapkan kepada Pihak lain, baik secara tertulis atau lisan, dan dokumen, berkas elektronik atau cara lain yang mewakili atau merekam informasi yang mengandung atau berasal atau disalin dari informasi tersebut dan yang diidentifikasi sebagai rahasia pada saat pengungkapan oleh Pihak yang mengungkapkan seperti ke Pihak menerima lain, dan yang, jika diungkapkan secara lisan, dikurangi untuk menulis dan diidentifikasi sebagai rahasia dalam waktu tiga puluh (30) hari setelah pengungkapan oleh Pihak yang mengungkapkan seperti ke Pihak menerima lain, apakah dari teknis, teknik, keuangan, komersial, operasional, ekonomi atau sebaliknya dan termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada analisis, kompilasi, penelitian atau dokumen lain atau catatan yang mengandung, atau mencerminkan atau dihasilkan dari informasi tersebut, disediakan, bagaimanapun, bahwa Informasi Rahasia tersebut tidak mencakup informasi yang Pihak penerima dapat membuktikan bahwa: (a) sebelum pengungkapan itu sudah dalam kepemilikan Partai menerima seperti; (B) sebelum atau setelah pengungkapan itu diperoleh Pihak yang menerima tersebut dari pihak ketiga yang tidak melanggar kewajiban kerahasiaan atau non-disclosure dalam membuat pengungkapan tersebut; (C) sebelum pengungkapan itu dalam domain publik; (D) setelah pengungkapan itu dalam domain publik selain oleh atau melalui pelanggaran Perjanjian ini oleh Pihak yang menerima tersebut atau yang direktur, pejabat, karyawan, agen, perwakilan, atau orang lain yang menerima informasi berdasarkan Persetujuan ini; atau (e) dikembangkan sendiri oleh seperti menerima Pihak atau yang direktur, pejabat, karyawan, agen atau perwakilan tanpa mengacu Informasi Rahasia.