People have all kinds of answers in terms of color, like the questionnaire we did earlier, there are many questions that are easily visible in life, and the answers are closely related to psychology. We may think we understand the effects of different colors, such as: red is uplifting, blue is sedative... And so on, such views are all over the world, and many people think that's the case. But can color really change our behavior as we think it is? The results of the scientific research are mixed and controversial. Red is the most studied color, and it is often compared to blue. Conditional reflection is the most frequently cited principle. Eventually, people will begin to associate this principle with their feelings or behavior, and some argue that, as a student, teachers circle errors in their assignments with red pens, which leads to the fact that red and danger are often associated, and the fact that red fruits are often toxic highlights this recognition. On the other hand, it is likely that blue is associated with a quiet environment, such as the sea under the stars and the beauty of the vast blue sky. Of course, there are always exceptions. Teachers write excellent comments with a red pen, people will really will be different colors and different things linked, but this connection will in some way have an impact on human behavior, so the emergence of color psychology and people's lives can be said to be closely related, all kinds of colors and people's psychology also because there is a rope tied, So people can be interested in research, and then created the current "color psychology."