Project monitoring helps a variety of purposes. It raises issues that may occur in the project implementation process or may occur, these problems need solutions to make the project go smoothly. Effective monitoring helps to understand whether the expected results on track to achieve, what measures need to be taken during the execution of the project to achieve the desired results, and whether these initiatives on the implementation of the project had a positive impact. <br><br>Assessment of project results: Learn how to achieve goals and how to achieve the desired changes. <br><br>Process improvement plan: It helps to better adapt to the context and the risk factors that influence the research process, such as social and power dynamics. <br><br>Promote learning: It will help you understand how to participate in various ways affect the results. <br><br>To understand the views of stakeholders: through direct participation in the monitoring and evaluation process, understand the personnel involved in research projects. Understand their values and perspectives, as well as design solutions to conflicts of views and interests. <br><br>Ensure accountability: to assess whether the project been effective, proportionate and effective implementation, in order to be responsible for the project.