Performance Bonus
The performance bonus will be paid on the ‘Team Basis’ at the end of the contract. The bonus will be awarded for ‘Efficient Ship Operations’ and ‘Good and Efficient Shipboard Teams’. The amount mentioned in the table is the maximum amount available for performance bonus per month. The criteria for Efficient Ship Operations and Good & Efficient Shipboard Teams are as follows but not limited to:
- No off-hire of vessel
- No Unplanned downtime
- No Accidents / Incidents affecting operational efficiency
- No Injuries to negligence (e.g. not using PPE or caused due negligent operations)
- No Pollution
- Not following PMS, resulting in breakdown of machinery
- Good & Efficient performance reports from QSSD and Technical superintendents
- Any other shipboard causes affecting ship operations
Remarks: ‘Team’ comprises of full ship compliment (deck & engine & catering); Deck department (includes catering) and Engine department.