The fourth geviil is ilat, where iu the niouumeiit zoow'el<br>weteuseliappal as an aestbetic where You live. Then one rests, as if bet knowing or bet aestbetiscbe<br>belaug, or both that make it difficult. What recoiistruction<br>in particular, we will have to be very concerned, whether there is no reciprocal interest, and the demands of aestbetiea and knowledgecbap will be seen with each other<br>in eondiet kouien, unconditionally the first for the latter must give way; one recoiistriizes. if this becomes aesthetiscb geeisebt and Avetenscbapjial is permissible. Also<br>beer, of course, is all kinds of niogelijkbeden imaginable,<br>as the knowing or aestbetiscbe value zicb<br>liecbt to bet whole or even separate part; each time ecditer will again bet know schaj>pelijk belaug den door<br>need to be veaveu.