honey i wish i could i call you my dear, i just need to talk to someone to help me calm down my dear, i wish i never came here my dear, honey please i need your help my dear, can you come up with $1000 or $1500? by monday i will take an estimation of the size of the supply after the meeting which holds by 9AM, then i will get an advance payment for my contract, i will give it back to you by next week after the meeting, am also worried about my daugther who will be returning home soon my dear cause it will really break her heart to know am in such condition, amsorry am telling you all this, it was not my intension to ask you for this. I need all the assistance and prayer i can get now, you are my only hope, i'm crying been stuck here, please honey don't let me down, i will return every siblge dollar back to you, i miss you so much my dear, please write back..... i love you so much my dear