Aruta is!You guys are sorry. There have been changes around the Web.In preparation for the fact that my personal social NETWORKS around had a touching more than 1 month.Say why you took such an approach, and simply ' fans, who have the interest to want to know more! "That is the idea.This change all the information grouped together official site. I wanted GYZE is all you can see if you look at HP.Until now as content that simply asked for further clarity, fun.May be coming soon, but it will announce future.First of all, please want to check is "COLMUN" providing individuals with texts, photos. You can read at any time without that travel within HP.For example I had before this post went fishing today (with pictures). Dissented in only some people with this, do not know the people who have left behind.Is now-if you're after "when speaking before I caught it in the recording,", etc., can inflate the story. If in addition it as an archive keep GZE against each other also may come.僕はこの「本を読むような楽しみ方」に期待しています。何が言いたいかというと。Ryoji,Shuji,Aruta、そしてGYZEをもっと楽しんでもらいたい。ということです。この手法ならもっとGYZEがどんなにいいバンドなのかが絶対に伝わると期待しています。私の願いはただ一つ。「GYZEに関わる全ての人たち。一緒に世界の頂点を目指しましょう!」ではまた会いましょう