00:00:02,250 --> 00:00:05,907
When it comes to applying sophisticated tonal adjustments in order to improve the
00:00:05,907 --> 00:00:11,330
appearance of your older photographs, there's really no match for the curves adjustment.
00:00:11,330 --> 00:00:14,866
Now you might be a little bit intimidated by curves, because it's certainly one of
00:00:14,866 --> 00:00:18,246
the more challenging adjustments to use but I think you'll find after working
00:00:18,246 --> 00:00:23,400
with curves just a little bit that it's really not as hard as it seems.
00:00:23,400 --> 00:00:26,250
Let's take a look at how we can use curves to improve the tonality of an
00:00:26,250 --> 00:00:31,058
image that needs quite a bit of work. I'll start off by creating a curves
00:00:31,058 --> 00:00:33,810
adjustment layer. So I'll go to the bottom of the layers
00:00:33,810 --> 00:00:37,110
panel and click on the Add Adjustment Layer button, that's the half black, half
00:00:37,110 --> 00:00:41,233
white circle icon. After clicking on that button I'll then
00:00:41,233 --> 00:00:46,820
choose Curves from the pop up menu. As you can see, that adds a curves
00:00:46,820 --> 00:00:52,830
adjustment layer, and also gives me the curves controls on the Properties panel.
00:00:52,830 --> 00:00:56,220
I'm going to start off working with curves in a very basic way.
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In effect, working with curves in the same way that I would work with levels.
00:01:01,230 --> 00:01:05,174
And that means adjusting the white point, the black point, and a midtone value for
00:01:05,174 --> 00:01:09,201
the image. Because I'm working on a black and white
00:01:09,201 --> 00:01:12,792
image which is in the greyscale color mode, the curves adjustment actually
00:01:12,792 --> 00:01:16,611
behaves somewhat backwards from what you might be accustomed to, if you've only
00:01:16,611 --> 00:01:22,205
worked on color images. Specifically, if we move the curve upward
00:01:22,205 --> 00:01:25,703
when working on a black and white image that is in the greyscale color mode we're
00:01:25,703 --> 00:01:30,058
adding ink to the image. In essence, we're darkening the image by
00:01:30,058 --> 00:01:33,210
raising the values. Normally raising the values and curves
00:01:33,210 --> 00:01:36,761
would brighten the image because we're increasing the intensity of light and so
00:01:36,761 --> 00:01:39,888
the behavior may be a little bit backwards if you've mostly worked with
00:01:39,888 --> 00:01:43,843
color images. You'll see that as I move the curve
00:01:43,843 --> 00:01:47,341
upward I'm darkening the image and as I move the curve downward I'm brightening
00:01:47,341 --> 00:01:51,138
the image. But we can simply use the reference
00:01:51,138 --> 00:01:54,466
gradient over on the left-hand side to remind us of which direction we need to
00:01:54,466 --> 00:01:58,959
move the curve. I'll go ahead and reset the curve back to
00:01:58,959 --> 00:02:03,250
its initial values. And let's get started with a white point adjustment.
00:02:03,250 --> 00:02:07,020
That's located over on the left side since I'm working with a grayscale image.
00:02:07,020 --> 00:02:11,412
And so I'll hold the Alt key on Windows or the Option key on Macintosh while
00:02:11,412 --> 00:02:16,240
dragging the slider itself over toward the right.
00:02:16,240 --> 00:02:19,717
As I do so, you'll notice that some pixels start to appear and those pixels
00:02:19,717 --> 00:02:23,980
indicate where I'm losing detail in the highlights.
00:02:23,980 --> 00:02:27,080
I don't actually want to loose any detail, I just want to maximize the tonal
00:02:27,080 --> 00:02:31,004
range in the image. And so, once I see those pixels appear,
00:02:31,004 --> 00:02:34,595
I'll move back over to the left just a little bit, until the point where those
00:02:34,595 --> 00:02:39,396
pixels just disappear. In some cases, I might leave one of two
00:02:39,396 --> 00:02:42,832
of those pixels. And I need to be especially careful when
00:02:42,832 --> 00:02:46,342
I'm working on an older image, to keep in mind that some of the spots I might see,
00:02:46,342 --> 00:02:49,852
for example this spot was white in that clipping preview display, might be the
00:02:49,852 --> 00:02:55,534
result of blemishes in the photo. So I'll need to take those into account
00:02:55,534 --> 00:03:00,620
as I'm applying my adjustment. I think we have a pretty good white point adjustment.
00:03:00,620 --> 00:03:03,180
Let's go ahead and take a look at the black point slider now.
00:03:03,180 --> 00:03:08,830
I'll once again hold the Alt or Option key and then drag that black point slider inward.
00:03:08,830 --> 00:03:12,734
And again, we'll see pixels start to appear, and those pixels indicate where
00:03:12,734 --> 00:03:16,442
I'm loosing detail. So I'll back off just a little bit,
00:03:16,442 --> 00:03:19,805
moving that black slider over to the right until all of the key pixels
00:03:19,805 --> 00:03:23,640
disappear, and we can see already I have a significant improvement in terms of
00:03:23,640 --> 00:03:30,030
overall contrast in the photo. I'll then turn my attention to the
00:03:30,030 --> 00:03:34,230
midtones in the image, grabbing the curve at the center and literally just clicking
00:03:34,230 --> 00:03:39,120
on the curve and then dragging upward or downward as needed.
00:03:39,120 --> 00:03:43,085
In this case I'll drag upward in order to add some density to the image to darken
00:03:43,085 --> 00:03:49,210
up the overall appearance, focusing that adjustment on the midtones.
00:03:49,210 --> 00:03:52,666
So you can see I've brought the curve inward from the highlight and the shadow
00:03:52,666 --> 00:03:56,284
point, increasing the value for white and black, and then I've adjusted overall
00:03:56,284 --> 00:04:01,974
tonality with a midtone adjustment. That's a relatively basic way of working
00:04:01,974 --> 00:04:04,320
with curves. But of course, we can get a bit more
00:04:04,320 --> 00:04:07,699
sophisticated as well. For example, I'd like to darken up the
00:04:07,699 --> 00:04:10,690
tonal values that represent the face here.
00:04:10,690 --> 00:04:14,250
First, I need to figure out where on the curve that might be.
00:04:14,250 --> 00:04:17,385
And of course, it's going to be the relatively bright values, so it's
00:04:17,385 --> 00:04:21,630
probably somewhere over in here on the curve itself.
00:04:21,630 --> 00:04:25,086
But I don't want to have to worry about reading the histogram and figuring out
00:04:25,086 --> 00:04:30,860
where on the curve I need to adjust, instead I'll simply work directly on the image.
00:04:30,860 --> 00:04:34,424
So I'll click on the On Image Adjustment button on the Properties panel and then
00:04:34,424 --> 00:04:39,523
move my mouse out over the image. Now you'll notice that as I move my mouse
00:04:39,523 --> 00:04:43,183
over the face here there is a circle that's moving up and down on the curve
00:04:43,183 --> 00:04:47,392
and that indicates where on the curve the tonal value that's currently underneath
100:00:02,250--> 00:00:05,907当它来到应用以提高复杂色调调整200:00:05,907--> 00:00:11,330外观的老照片,真的没有匹配的曲线调整。300:00:11,330--> 00:00:14,866现在你可能会有点被吓倒曲线,因为它肯定是之一400:00:14,866--> 00:00:18,246更具挑战性的调整使用,但想你会发现工作后500:00:18,246--> 00:00:23,400用曲线只是一点点,它真的不是拼命看起来。600:00:23,400--> 00:00:26,250让我们看看如何使用曲线,提高调性700:00:26,250--> 00:00:31,058需要相当多的工作的形象。我想先通过创建曲线800:00:31,058--> 00:00:33,810调整图层。所以去底部的图层900:00:33,810--> 00:00:37,110面板并点击添加调整图层按钮,即半黑半1000:00:37,110--> 00:00:41,233白色的小圆圈图标。然后点击该按钮后我会1100:00:41,233--> 00:00:46,820从弹出的菜单中选择曲线。正如你所看到的添加曲线1200:00:46,820--> 00:00:52,830调整图层,并且给出了我的曲线属性面板上的控件。1300:00:52,830--> 00:00:56,220我要开始使用曲线非常基本的方式。1400:00:56,220--> 00:01:01,230In effect, working with curves in the same way that I would work with levels.1500:01:01,230 --> 00:01:05,174And that means adjusting the white point, the black point, and a midtone value for1600:01:05,174 --> 00:01:09,201the image. Because I'm working on a black and white1700:01:09,201 --> 00:01:12,792image which is in the greyscale color mode, the curves adjustment actually1800:01:12,792 --> 00:01:16,611behaves somewhat backwards from what you might be accustomed to, if you've only1900:01:16,611 --> 00:01:22,205worked on color images. Specifically, if we move the curve upward2000:01:22,205 --> 00:01:25,703when working on a black and white image that is in the greyscale color mode we're2100:01:25,703 --> 00:01:30,058adding ink to the image. In essence, we're darkening the image by2200:01:30,058 --> 00:01:33,210raising the values. Normally raising the values and curves2300:01:33,210 --> 00:01:36,761would brighten the image because we're increasing the intensity of light and so2400:01:36,761 --> 00:01:39,888the behavior may be a little bit backwards if you've mostly worked with2500:01:39,888 --> 00:01:43,843color images. You'll see that as I move the curve2600:01:43,843 --> 00:01:47,341upward I'm darkening the image and as I move the curve downward I'm brightening2700:01:47,341 --> 00:01:51,138the image. But we can simply use the reference2800:01:51,138 --> 00:01:54,466gradient over on the left-hand side to remind us of which direction we need to2900:01:54,466 --> 00:01:58,959move the curve. I'll go ahead and reset the curve back to3000:01:58,959 --> 00:02:03,250its initial values. And let's get started with a white point adjustment.3100:02:03,250 --> 00:02:07,020That's located over on the left side since I'm working with a grayscale image.3200:02:07,020 --> 00:02:11,412And so I'll hold the Alt key on Windows or the Option key on Macintosh while3300:02:11,412 --> 00:02:16,240dragging the slider itself over toward the right.3400:02:16,240 --> 00:02:19,717As I do so, you'll notice that some pixels start to appear and those pixels3500:02:19,717 --> 00:02:23,980indicate where I'm losing detail in the highlights.3600:02:23,980 --> 00:02:27,080I don't actually want to loose any detail, I just want to maximize the tonal3700:02:27,080 --> 00:02:31,004range in the image. And so, once I see those pixels appear,3800:02:31,004 --> 00:02:34,595I'll move back over to the left just a little bit, until the point where those3900:02:34,595 --> 00:02:39,396pixels just disappear. In some cases, I might leave one of two4000:02:39,396 --> 00:02:42,832of those pixels. And I need to be especially careful when4100:02:42,832 --> 00:02:46,342I'm working on an older image, to keep in mind that some of the spots I might see,4200:02:46,342--> 00:02:49,852例如这个地方是白色的在这剪辑预览显示,可能是4300:02:49,852--> 00:02:55,534照片中的瑕疵的结果。因此就需要考虑到那些4400:02:55,534--> 00:03:00,620因为我想申请我的调整。我们有很好的白色点调整。4500:03:00,620--> 00:03:03,180让我们继续,现在看看黑点滑块。4600:03:03,180--> 00:03:08,830我会再一次按住 Alt 键或 Option 键,然后拖动的黑场滑块向内。4700:03:08,830--> 00:03:12,734再次,我们来看看像素开始出现,和那些像素表明在哪里4800:03:12,734--> 00:03:16,442我失去细节。所以我会退后只是一点点,4900:03:16,442--> 00:03:19,805移动的黑色滑块向右下直到所有关键像素5000:03:19,805--> 00:03:23,640消失了,我们已经可以看到我有方面的重大改进5100:03:23,640--> 00:03:30,030在这张照片的整体对比度。然后,我会把我注意5200:03:30,030--> 00:03:34,230在图像中,抓住中心曲线,从字面上就单击中间色调5300:03:34,230--> 00:03:39,120关于曲线,然后向上拖动或向下,根据需要。5400:03:39,120--> 00:03:43,085在这种情况下我会向上拖动即可添加一些密度,图像变暗5500:03:43,085--> 00:03:49,210up the overall appearance, focusing that adjustment on the midtones.5600:03:49,210 --> 00:03:52,666So you can see I've brought the curve inward from the highlight and the shadow5700:03:52,666 --> 00:03:56,284point, increasing the value for white and black, and then I've adjusted overall5800:03:56,284 --> 00:04:01,974tonality with a midtone adjustment. That's a relatively basic way of working5900:04:01,974 --> 00:04:04,320with curves. But of course, we can get a bit more6000:04:04,320 --> 00:04:07,699sophisticated as well. For example, I'd like to darken up the6100:04:07,699 --> 00:04:10,690tonal values that represent the face here.6200:04:10,690 --> 00:04:14,250First, I need to figure out where on the curve that might be.6300:04:14,250 --> 00:04:17,385And of course, it's going to be the relatively bright values, so it's6400:04:17,385 --> 00:04:21,630probably somewhere over in here on the curve itself.6500:04:21,630 --> 00:04:25,086But I don't want to have to worry about reading the histogram and figuring out6600:04:25,086 --> 00:04:30,860where on the curve I need to adjust, instead I'll simply work directly on the image.6700:04:30,860 --> 00:04:34,424So I'll click on the On Image Adjustment button on the Properties panel and then6800:04:34,424 --> 00:04:39,523move my mouse out over the image. Now you'll notice that as I move my mouse6900:04:39,523 --> 00:04:43,183在这里的脸上是曲线向上和向下移动一个圆圈7000:04:43,183--> 00:04:47,392这就说明目前是在下面的色调值曲线上的位置
