Установил, сканировал на вирус, обнаружено 5 ошибок. удалил вирусы, очистил память. Затем удалил этот антивирус и установил заново его же. сканировал и он мне обнаружел всё тоже самое. ОБМАН, ФУФЛО
Found virus detected, scanned 5 errors. removed the viruses, cleared the memory. Then uninstalled this antivirus and installed again it same. crawl and I obnaružel all the same. HOAX, CRAP
Installed, scan for viruses, it found 5 errors. It removes viruses, clear the memory. Then I remove the virus and re-established his own. I scanned and it obnaruzhel all the same. BAM, bullshit
set, scanned for virus detected five mistakes. deleted viruses tested memory. then remove the antivirus installed over it. and i обнаружел scanned all the same. fake, fake