A serious accident is one that results in one of the following (LRFP,1995): Structural damage, rendering the ship unseaworthy, such as penetration of hull underwater, immobilization of main engines, extensive damage, etc.; Breakdown; Actual Total Loss; Any other undefined situation resulting in damage or financial loss which is considered to be serious (incl. fatalities, missing persons and environmental damage). Every accident that does not fall in the previously mentioned categories is characterized as not serious. Serious accidents have a relatively higher probability of being reported in maritime accident databases (Hassel et al., 2011) and are usually reported in more detail compared to not serious accidents. For example, recorded in-formation for not serious cases may only involve the date, place of occurrence, and the mention of minor damages. Therefore, accidents which had been classified as“Not serious”were excluded because their relevance to the scope of the present analysis could not be safely determined.