Legal Information:
Responsible for the content:
Batteries and Power Solutions
Oberamtsstrasse 1-3
73479 Ellwangen
Phone: +49 7961 5657460
Service Provider:
This website is regularly revised and updated with great care. Should you still notice any errors or have any suggestions, comments or inquires regarding this website, please contact us.
Copyright © 2009 Batteries and Power Solutions, D-Ellwangen. All rights reserved.
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This website portrays the temporary standing of a continuous work process. Even though very great care is taken in compiling the information contained on our web pages, Batteries and Power Solutions cannot assume any guarantee for the contents being up-to-date, correct or complete.
In no case may Batteries and Power Solutions be held responsible for damage of any kind whatsoever that might arise through using or in connection with using the information provided here, be such direct or indirect damage or consequential damage, including any loss of profits or damage arising due to the loss of data.
We reserve the right to make alterations to the information on this website without prior announcement of such. All the offers cited are subject to confirmation and unbinding.
As is common practice on the internet, links can be found at this website referring directly and indirectly to the web pages of external internet presentations. Since the content of other websites is not subject to Batteries and Power Solutions control or responsibility, we cannot assume any liability for the content of pages reached by such links. We give our assurance, however, that at the time the links were made such web pages were to the best of our knowledge free of any illegal or offensive contents.
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