During the "with radar cover" aiming step in Honda factory, the associate interrupted the field of view of the radar, causing distortion in the radar beam and an incorrect alignment value to be stored in the radar. HGT spec does not require "with radar cover" aiming, but supplier software was written to have "with radar cover" aiming enabled.LET did not detect the incorrect alignment value as PASS/FAIL. Judgment with LET is made during the "without radar cover" aiming step, prior to the "with radar cover" aiming step. LET cannot access the "with radar cover" aiming values stored in the radar making it impossible to execute any PASS/FAIL type judgment on radar distortion. [The reported symptom]Honda SENSING Warning Lamp comes on and the system shuts off.[Background of failure]Report from dealer[Failure description]1)The axial misalignment learning default of the failed part set to be -3.9 deg in the aiming process within the factory, and that was within the threshold for axial misalignment judgment, -3.9+/-3.0 deg.2) Through repeated driving, axial misalignment learning progresses toward the true value.(near the factory aiming adjusted value +0.1 deg) Since there is no actual radar misalignment, there is no system malfunction.3) If the threshold is exceeded, the warning lamp will comes on due to detection of axial misalignment. The system will not be recovered by IG: OFF/ON. [Occurrence Cause]In the factory aiming process, cover difference judgment is done by clearing DTC, which unintentionally causes the default of radar axial misalignment learning to be over-written.- During radar aiming process, the worker stepped in the no entry zone and operated LET, causing the CR detection angle to be deviated significantly, and the axial misalignment learning default was unintentionally overwritten.*The value after cover installation was overwritten, but this is not required by HGT specs. [Impact on vehicle]Axial misalignment is falsely detected, causing the warning light ON. Honda SENSING shut off. It wouldnu2019t malfunction as actual axial misalignment does not occur. [Affected model]17M CR-V (HCM & ELP) [CM content]Software changeu2026Prohibit overwriting the initial value of radar axial misalignment learning. [CM effect verification results]Confirmed that the radar axial misalignment initial value was not overwritten after cover installation.In the radar aiming process, the worker operated LET while he was within the no-entry zone, causing CR detection angle during the cover difference judgment to be deviated significantly, and the axial misalignment learning initial value to be overwritten unintentionally, which we consider the cause of the problem. This failure was caused because the worker operated LET while he was within the no-entry zone and as a result CR detection angle during cover difference judgment was deviated significantly, so the axial misalignment learning initial value had been overwritten unintentionally.