ConclusionsThe ANFIS with multi inputs fuzzy model was developed to predict the flank wear during turning process. The inputs of the developed model are cutting parameters of turning process (cutting speed, feed rate, depth of cut), and I-kaz coefficient for cutting force and feed force. The cutting force components were measured using in-house developed strain gauge sensor. The I-kaz method was developed based on the decomposed frequency signals, and integrated kurtosis-based algorithm was used to extract the features of the cutting force and feed force signals. The changes of cutting force signals due to flank wear were indicated by significant increasing the I-kaz coefficient values. Among the five input parameters of ANFIS model, changes of the I-kaz coefficient in feed force have the most effect on predicting flank wear value, followedby I-kaz coefficient in cutting force, feed rate, depth of cut, and cutting speed. It was found that the results generated by the ANFIS model are close to the experimental results with the minimum and maximum average error of the flank wear of about 2.30% and 5.08% respectively. The accuracy of the prediction may achieve up to 95.93–97.70%. The performance of the prediction shows that the estimated results are very accurate and encouraging to be applied in real industry application.