Capisco il periodo, ma il pacco è stato ordinato 15 giorni prima di Natale, ed è un regalo di Natale! Se non arriva entro oggi dovrò comprare un altro regalo, quindi, chiedo il rimborso da parte vostra per il danno subito.
Se aveste scritto subito che sarebbe arrivato dopo Natale, non lo avrei acquistato.
I understand the term, but the package was ordered 15 days before Christmas, and it's a Christmas gift! If you do not arrive by today I'll have to buy another gift, then, I ask a refund on your part to the damage suffered.If you had written that would arrive after Christmas, I would have not purchased.
I understand the term, but the parcel was ordered 15 days before Christmas, and it's a Christmas gift! If not arrive later today I will have to buy another gift, then, I ask for reimbursement from you for the damage. If you had written that he would arrive soon after Christmas, I would not have bought.
I understand that time is ordered, but 15 days before the parcel is Christmas, Christmas gift! If I buy a gift, not here today, so, please you pay for the damage.