Are you ready to take action to protect Planet Earth? You may think it的中文翻譯

Are you ready to take action to pro

Are you ready to take action to protect Planet Earth? You may think it impossible,but you can begin by taking some small,but important,first steps.Many children and their classes in the USA are taking action.Children Campaign Against WasteChildren are paying attention to the packaging of the things they buy.Packaging includes all the things you throw away when you unwrap anything new.One third of all rubbish is packaging.Mrs. Perez’s 4th grade class decides to make their school and neighbourhood know the waste in packaging.They want people to think before they buy.They also want to let people who make the products know that they want less waste in packaging.So they start a campaign to help people change how they shop.Class Project: Campaign Against Waste Find out the facts.Use the websites to find out how much waste comps from packaging.Go on a trip to the shops.Take notes about how products, such as CDs, are packaged.Report on how much will be thrown away.Say no to bags.If we don’t need one, we don’t use one. Make posters to tell others what they can to our families and friends about what we learn.write class letters to the people who produce our favourite products.Ask them to reduce packaging.Children Save Wateranother class decides to help save water.Here’s how they got started.Miguel Salazar lives in Meridien, Texas.Every day he walks home from school and passes Carrollton Creek.The creek is filled with rubbish.But the creek was not always this way.Miguel’s grandfather remembers flowers and plants grew along it.Many people fished there.So Miguel’s class decides to clean up the creek.They make a plan.Class Project: Clean Up Write a letter to the mayor asking her to let us have a clean-up day at Carrollton Creek.Ask her for garbage cans to keep rubbish. Make posters inviting others to help Ask parents to come along and help on Clean-up Day. Choose a day for the big Clean Up!If one person can make a difference, think how much more can get done if people work together to care for Planet Earth.
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結果 (中文) 1: [復制]
你是否准备采取行动保护地球?你可能认为是不可能的但你可以开始以小了些,但重要的是,第一次 steps.Many 儿童和他们班在美国正在 action.Children 运动对 WasteChildren 的重视的东西包装他们 buy.Packaging 包括所有的东西,你扔掉当你打开任何 new.One 的所有第三垃圾是 packaging.Mrs.佩雷斯 4 年级班决定让他们的学校和邻里知道废物 packaging.They 想要的人在他们之前要考虑 buy.They 也想让人知道他们想要在 packaging.So 他们开始一场运动,帮助减少废物的产品如何人们改变他们 shop.Class 项目︰ 运动反对浪费找出 facts.Use 网站找出多少废物复合从 packaging.Go 上一次旅行到 shops.Take 注意到关于如何产品如 Cd,都是多少 packaged.Report 将抛出 away.Say 不到 bags.If,我们不需要一个人,我们不要用一。 做海报去告诉别人他们可以向我们的家人和朋友 关于什么我们 learn.write 类写封信给人产生我们最喜欢的 products.Ask 他们减少 packaging.Children 保存 Wateranother 类决定帮助拯救 water.Here 的他们如何得到 started.Miguel 萨拉萨尔住在艾美酒店Texas.Every 天他放学回家和刀路卡罗顿 Creek.The 河充满着小溪上漂浮着并不总是这 way.Miguel 祖父记得沿着 it.Many 花卉和植物生长的 rubbish.But 人捕捞的搬家米格尔的类决定清理 creek.They plan.Class 项目︰ 清理写一封信给市长问她,让我们有一个清理一天在她的垃圾罐到卡罗顿 Creek.Ask保持垃圾,使海报邀请别人来帮助问父母要过来,帮助在清洁每天选择大清理的一天 !如果一个人可以有所作为,想一想多少如果人民共同努力,爱护地球就更可以完成。
結果 (中文) 3:[復制]
你准备好采取行动来保护地球了吗?你可能认为这是不可能的,但你可以采取一些小的,但重要的是,第一步,在美国的许多孩子和他们的课程是采取行动。孩子们反对wastechildren关注他们所购买物品的包装。包装包括所有那些你扔掉的时候你打开任何新的东西,所有的垃圾三分之一packaging.mrs。佩雷斯第四年级决定让他们的学校和邻里知道包装浪费。他们想让人们在他们买之前思考。他们还想让人们知道他们想要的产品包装,减少浪费。所以他们发起一个活动来帮助人们改变他们的店。类项目:反浪费运动找出事实。使用网站找到了多少垃圾文件从包装。去商店一趟。采取怎样的产品说明,如光盘、包装。多少会被报告说没有袋。如果我们不需要,我们不使用,使海报告诉别人他们可以do.talk给我们的家人和朋友对我们learn.write类信谁生产我们最喜欢的产品的人,让他们减少包装。孩子救wateranother类决定帮助节约用水。这是怎样开始的。Miguel Salazar住在Meridien,德克萨斯。他每天走路回家学校通过卡罗尔顿的小溪。小溪到处都是垃圾。但河并不总是这样的。iguel的祖父记得花和植物生长在它。很多人在那里,所以米格尔的阶级决定清理溪。他们制定了一个计划。类项目:清理给市长写信求她让我们在卡罗尔顿溪清理一天。问她垃圾桶把垃圾。制作海报邀请别人来帮助父母来清洁日的帮助。选择一天的大清理!如果一个人可以改变,想想看,如果人们共同努力去关心地球,你还能做多少事。
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