Exclusive operator: <br>- Tax all income returns in the declaration that you in your personal use of the business part of the project to display your business income and expenses (no separate exclusive distributor of business for the tax return) <br>- Application for ABN AMRO, and use your Dutch bank for all your business dealings. <br>- If your goods and services tax (GST) on revenues of $ 75,000 or more, register for Goods and Services Tax (GST). <br>Partnerships: <br>- income, loss of control over the business and shared by the partners <br>- the partnership has its own TFN, must submit an annual partnership returns, setting out all income and deductions enterprises. <br>- the partnership does not pay income tax on its profits - each partner will declare its share of the partnership income in the share of own tax return. <br>- each partner's individual tax rate to pay taxes according to their share of the partnership profits, and small businesses are eligible for tax credits. <br>- a partnership must apply for a Dutch bank and use it for all business transactions. <br>- If the partnership's annual GST turnover of $ 75,000 or more, you must register GST. <br>Company: <br>- must apply for a Tax File Number (TFN), and used at the time of submission of the annual tax return <br>- if its annual GST turnover of $ 75,000 or more, you must register GST <br>- owned enterprises earn - the personal control of the enterprise can not take money from the business, unless the distribution of profits or as an official salary <br>- must pay the security deposit super (SGC) to any eligible worker. This includes you, if you are a director of the Company, and any other directors.