Dear Managers!
We invite you for our first Workshop.
Please, find time and come to join us!
1. You are Ten thousand, thousand or hundred manager. Ten thousand and thousand managers MUST participate.
2. You are ready to give Amount of participation (2,000 INR) as gurantee of your participation. This amount is refundable and will be returned at the end of the workshop.
3. The amount of places is limited for hundred managers. Please, request to your ten thousand manager and transfer Amount of participation (2,000 INR) to the account specified.
4. Limits of places for hundred managers are as per Zones: South - 25 places, East - 25 people, North - 50 places, Center - 50 places, West - 100 places.
5. Amount of participation (2,000 INR) must be transferred to your Ten thousand manager's bank account before 11.59 p.m. 30.01.2013.
6. After that, the amount of places left will be rearranged for those who want to come. They must transfer Amount of participation (2,000 INR) to Ten thousand manager's bank account before 11.59 p.m. 01.02.2013.