Hola buenos días, un favor y discula que te moleste pero de casualidad me sabras dar razon de mi articulo? En teoria tuvo que haber llegado maximo el 12 de noviembre y ya estamos a 17. Agradecería si me das algun dato, saludos!
Hello good morning, a favor, and discula that bother you but by chance I sabras give reason of my article? In theory it had to have reached maximum on 12 November and we are 17. I would be grateful if you give me some data, greetings!
Hi good morning, a favor and Discula to bother you but give me chance sabra reason for my article? In theory he had to have reached maximum on November 12 to 17 and we are grateful if you give me some data, Greetings!
Hello Good Morning, please Discula to bother you but I know give reason of my article? In Theory, he had to come up and we're already on November 12 to 17. Would you give me some Data, Greetings!