DECEMBER 22, 2016 -
Fix invert Y for gamepad applying to cursor motion
Controls screen accessed from pause menu now correctly displays controller buttons when using controller.
Fix host's gamepad cursor becoming bugged when a client joins
Fix ability to pick yourself up while in a seat, and being unable to leave seat.
Fix bug where after loading a save, unplaced dropships would freak out.
Add ability to enter seat even when it's detached from a vehicle
Add ability to sit in a dropship while mounted on a vehicle
Allow the 2 expansion slots on backpack to use Filters, Tanks, and Tethers
Fix exploit allowing player to trade for infinite resources by thieving the item like a pirate while launching
Fix bug that would not allow a full oxygen tank to save an Astroneer from suffocating
Cut value of Fuel in half on Trade module
Double power requirement and production time of Condenser
Fix known physics problems when attaching things to large storage on truck
Fix bug allowing player to make building platforms after a conduit hub has already been branched.
Change the Shuttle/Spaceship conduit hub type to the same as the habitat
Allow Shuttle/Spaceship to reattach to previously created hubs
Fix algorithm that picks the height of new base platforms, so that flat terrain makes flat bases