At ICU admission,we prescribed IVF and antibiotics IV flumarin then shifted IV brosym and oral azitromycin to control infection along with bronchodilators,we sentblood culture,sputum culture,urine culture.We arranged abdominal sona.The CVP was inserted over right neck and on Levophed for spetic shock, we will tapering Easydopa then off. Plan to give albumin 2 BT QD on 12/07 and albumin 1BT BID on 12/08.Abdomen sonography showed CKD.There was cyanosis of both extremitiesHR 0,BP undetectable,SpO2 Undetectable with O2 non-rebreathing mask.pupil 5/5 no light reflex.We announced that patient expired on 108.12.07 15:47 PM.