Please kindly refer to the following incident of a redemption that caused by unknown reason. It is possible that a figure is twisted by fax machine.On Dec. 5, the figures showed 126,875.03 units that we recognized on the redemption order of GHY placed by Fubon Sec. On Dec. 9, a confirmation has been provided to Fubon Sec. with no further response.On Dec. 16, the payment day Fubon called us and insisted the figures of their order is 116,875.03.There are 10,000 units difference between ours and their internal record. Fubon refunded the redemption payment with RMB85,047 and asked buy back 10,000 units on Dec. 16. Since both sides couldn’t figure out the root causes so agreed to compensate the NAV difference by both sides. Fubon pay RMB400, we pay RMB333 on Dec. 18 for the rest of subscription payment RMB733.