Holding optimal posture for starting, acceleration, maximal velocity and even speed endurance is critical for any speed athlete who is looking to maximise performance. Even though many experts claim that special exercise regimens are required to improve posture for speed development, the predominant contribution to posture, in terms of developing appropriate musculature, is from sprinting itself. Sprinting drills can be incorporated into speed workouts to improve awareness of postural requirements, similar to the exercise illustrated in fi gure 11.1, as well as target specifi c muscles used during sprinting. The primary intent of these types of drills is to ingrain the concept of maximal hip height throughout the entire stride cycle. Poor posture typically will result in a lower vertical hip position that does not allow for powerful extension from the hips. The drill shown in fi gure 11.1 reinforces not only a high-hip position, but also encourages the athlete to create a direct line of force from the shoulders down to the foot at maximal plantar fl exion.