This course specifically focuses on phase 1 of thecardiorespiratory training component: aerobic-basetraining. This phase and how it is used to begin improvingthe function and health of clients is discussed, as wellas how the fitness professional may program duringthis phase. Also discussed in this course is the FITT-VPprinciple (frequency, intensity, time, type, volume, andprogression), which addresses the aspects of a trainingprogram that can be modified for desired improvements.Using this principle will further help the fitnessprofessional in designing appropriate training programsfor a variety of clients. First, let’s review phase 1 of thecardiorespiratory component of the ACE IFT Model.The cardiorespiratory training component of the ACEIFT Model is divided into four phases. The first phase isreferred to as aerobic-base training and is used to helpclients with little or no exercise history safely develop aninitial base of cardiorespiratory conditioning. Although itmay sound similar, the aerobic-base training discussedhere is not the same as the “aerobic-base” conditioningused during the macrocycle of an endurance athlete’straining plan. Rather, phase 1 of the cardiorespiratorycomponent is used to build a foundation for the othercardiorespiratory phases to build upon by establishinga basic level of aerobic fitness. The function–health–fitness–performance continuum in the ACE IFTModel is an important reminder of how each phasein the cardiorespiratory component must build on thepreceding phase in order to allow the client to progresssafely to reach a client’s desired goals.Within the cardiorespiratory training arena,clients may be interested in improving their actualcardiorespiratory endurance, but also may have goals