With gearboxes already filled with oil the air filter is exchanged against a locking bolt duringtransport. Replace the air filter before operation.Take care not to damage attachments like temperature resistors (PT 100) or tubing duringtransport.5.2. StorageThe gearbox must be stored in a vibration-free space as vibrations during standstill may leadto damages at the gearing and the anti-friction bearings. The gearbox should be protectedagainst direct sunlight.All adhesive tape must be removed completely from the outside metallic bright functionalsurfaces.The inside of the gearbox is protected against surface and contact erosion by a preservative.If the gearbox is not used immediately it must be protected against environmental influencesand stored in a dry room at a room temperature of approx. 20°C. It is imperative to keep thetemperature at a constant level as temperature fluctuations may lead to condensation withinthe gearbox. The protection under such normal storage conditions will keep up to 6 months.In case the gearbox is to be stored longer than 6 months it must be filled with oil. The oil levelmust be the same as under operating conditions. We recommend to use the oil viscosityaccording to the type plate in order to eliminate the danger of mix-ups.The thread opening must be closed with a locking screw after filling.Take care not to introduce any dirt into the gearbox.Following this procedure the input shaft will have to be turned every 6 months until the outputshaft has revolved 2 to 3 times.NOTE