In this paper, with the background of Xiaozhai tunnel large deformation problems by model test and the three dimensional finite difference software of argillaceous rock tunnel in different deformation produced the effect of time on the safety of tunnel structure is studied. The change of the mechanical state of the tunnel structure and its displacement variation and the stability of the surrounding rock during the different construction stages are discussed..
by that explore the conclusions are as follows:
1. In the supporting stiffness and strength enough, large deformation time of deformation around the tunnel has little effect on the developing, supporting and always eventually converges, but the amount of the value of, large deformation time sooner.The bigger the deformation value.
2. In supporting stiffness and strength enough, large deformation time of secondary lining internal force characteristics had little influence on the distribution, skirting is often dangerous section; but the safety coefficient of the second lining, large deformation occurs in the secondary lining construction before, large deformation in the later time, the safety coefficient is bigger and bigger whole, large deformation occurs in the secondary lining construction after, the second lining safety coefficient will be reduced. . in supporting stiffness and strength enough, large deformation time of plastic zone distribution have little impact, in the cross section of tunnel is shaped like a butterfly, but to enter the plastic zone of surrounding rock area and.The bigger the time of the deformation, the bigger the plastic zone area, the range is about 300m2, and the extension of the arch crown is obvious..
4. in grade V surrounding rock under the condition of the current recommendations for supporting design, to ensure the safety of tunnel structure system; due to the low strength of surrounding rock, primary support although the deformation around the tunnel has obvious control effect, but the deformation is obviously not convergence trend, can not guarantee long tunnel, secondary lining for bearing structure considering, construction should be closely monitoring and measurement, promptly applied for support. Keywords: soft rock large deformation tunnel, numerical simulation, indoor model test, large deformation time