We explored the teaching practices of a teacher who has earlychildhood training and proficient English skills for an integrated Englishcurriculum in a 4- to 6-year-old mixed-age classroom. The purpose of thisstudy was to investigate how to integrate English into the daily routines ofchildren and clarify the teaching strategies and considerations of the teacherwhen using these strategies. The data included classroom observations for 7months and teacher interviews. The results showed how English learningactivities echoed the purposes of an integrated English curriculum. Englishlearning was integrated into lunchtime, transitions, warm-up, story time, andcooking activities through a multilayered process that involved variousstrategies such as translating, guiding, modeling, facilitating peer assistance,providing visual aids, providing artifacts, bridging, praising, and makingdeliberate errors while speaking. The general knowledge of childdevelopment and individual children’s interests and learning were theteacher’s considerations. We also provide suggestions for teaching practicesand future research directions.