Recently, there have been a few notable investigations on combining high compressive
strength and high tensile ductility in one concrete with limited success. The mechanical test
results of Ultra High Performance – Strain Hardening Cementitious Composites (UHP-
SHCC) were reported in Kamal et al [6]. The best performing UHP-SHCC has average
compressive strength of 96 MPa and tensile ductility of 3.3% at 14 days after casting (longer
age data are not reported in this reference). The development of another such material, Ultra
High Performance – Fiber Reinforced Composite (UHP-FRC), is presented in Wille et al [7].
UHP-FRC has compressive strength of about 200 MPa and tensile ductility of 0.6%.
Although both of these materials attempt to combine tensile ductility and compressive
strength in one concrete, UHP-SHCC has a compressive strength (96 MPa) that is only about
half that of VHSC (200 MPa), and UHP-FRC has tensile ductility of only 0.6%, which is at
least 5 times smaller than ECC.