After listening to the people have to discourage.Some people say: "you must not go ah, the sun so far from us, you will die."Some people say: "the sun is so hot, you will be grilled dead."Kua Fu has never mind, vowed to catch the sun and let it listen to people's orders, serving the people. He looked unhappy people, said: "for the happiness of life, I have to go!"The sun is just rising from the sea, people with lofty ideals and high aspirations Kuafu farewell, from the East Sea, toward the direction of the rising sun, big strides chase, began his daily journey.The sun is moving quickly in the air, on the ground in the wind like Kuafu, desperately chasing you. He walked across the mountains, across a river, the ground was shaking his footsteps, "rumbling sound, rocking back and forth.