"Wings over Europe - the cold war heating up the" basic key operation method: one, the visual control:
hint: in the cabin and the external perspective view, can move mouse to change perspective azimuthal.
F1 cockpit view looking forward
Shift F1 cockpit view to see
F2 cockpit view look left look right
F3 cockpit view watch is tracking and target (click on the play, then press the return of the original perspective)
F5 machine rear-end perspective
F6 continuously according to display all of the aircraft involved the external view (press the F6 key and then move the mouse, can the perspective observation aircraft)
Shift F6 display before a plane external perspective.F7 continuous press show ground for all target (press the F7 key and then move the mouse, the whole view of the ground target)
Shift F7 prior to display a ground target
F8 display and tracking is locked to the target
Shift F8 player to target the observed
Ctrl F8 target to the player is observed in
F9 display missile flight trajectory
Shift F9 player the missile were observed on the
Ctrl F9 flight missile against players were observed on the
F10 display aircraft trajectory
F11 from the nearest airport control tower observation aircraft
F12 automatically based on your actions to choose a view, you can close look at the firing of the weapon, the target is hit,Formation change, take off and other action (inactive)
the left mouse button / right key: zoom in / out, move the mouse to change perspective from the angle of azimuth
small keyboard /: zoom in / out view
8: small keyboard cockpit front view
5: small keyboard to the cockpit to angle 45 ° (hold up effect of open, returned to the original perspective)
7/4/1: small keyboard cockpit front left / left / left rear view (hold function, open return the original perspective)
9/6/3: small keyboard cockpit right front / right / right rear view (hold down effect, open return the original perspective)
0: small keyboard display driver the cabin full instrumentation (hold down effect, open return the original perspective).Print Screen SysRq key: prtsc (by pressing the key after the current screen images will be automatically saved as BMP format files, stored in the game folder in the ScreenShots folder.)
Alt P pause / continue game (game suspended when most other key functions are still valid)
Esc end / exit combat task and show combat briefing screen.
=/- flight control: on / off the engine and increase / decrease engine power. Up
- up down left right flies fly
, the plane left turn (in ground effect).Turn right (aircraft in ground effect).A open / close automatic driving and automatic landing (according to the flight path automatic flight)
Shift A open / close automatic level flight (according to the flight path automatic level flight)
Del small keyboard keys: disappear or display the cockpit
B / loose wheel brake (Wheel brakes engaged /wheel brakes disengaged loose closing gate) /
G put the landing gear (Landing gears retracted /Landing gears deployed put up the aircraft landing gear)
H retractable landing hook
F flaps down
V flap retraction
S open / closed reduction plate (Airbrakes deployed /Airbrakes retracted airbrake on closed reduction plate)
Ctrl B open parachute (this doesn't work)
Shift ESC
ALT T abandoned machines skydive accelerating time of flight 2X (2) /4X (4) /8X (8 times) / normal
Ctrl L shiny / long bright / close around the wingtip navigation lights
M display / close combat flight map (see map early detection of enemy aircraft, aircraft for fighter) red blue
W selects the next flight navigation (displayed on the screen as the white triangle)
Shift W choose the last flight navigation
note: white triangle is your flight navigation, flying to a buoy is automatically display the next beacon,
three arms control:
backspace: choice of air to air missile
Selection of ground attack weapon (a bomb, air-to-ground missile)
enter choice: launching missile, bomb
spacebar: firing cannons
] throwing quantity (1,2,3,6,12,18)
[bomb interval chosen (60ms, 100ms, 140ms MS)
'(commas): gun firing mode (normal / empty air / ground)
; (semicolon): select fire gun (some fighters plug itself without the gun, requiring external)
C release chaff (used to avoid surface-to-air missile, medium range air-to-air missile attack)
X release flash (for avoiding short range air-to-air missile attack)
Z on / off electronic device
Ctrl D jettison fuel tanks.Ctrl J abandoned external weapons (retaining only air-to-air missile)
Ctrl Page Up radar control: on / off radar
Page Up radar mode selection (Continuum press this key to select the following patterns of:
Radar set to search mode:) model search (search range from 10 to 160nm nm) set to track-while-scan
Radar mode: scan tracking mode (scan tracking a distance of 10 to 80nm nm) set to air combat
Radar mode: dogfight mode (this mode to launch the AIM-7
Radar set to boresight from the missile) mode aim mode (F-4 fighters use this mode).Radar set to ground map mode to scan mode (F-4 fighters use this mode)
Page Down radar scan range selection (continuous press this key to select the following distance):
radar in search mode selectable distance: 10nm, 20nm, 40nm, 80nm, 160nm (m)
radar in tracking scan mode optional distance: 10nm, 20nm, 40nm, 80nm. (1 m = 1852 m)
R radar in search mode to determine the target range
T locking air enemy aircraft
keypad * lock is the most threatening target
Home key: locking the recent target
Y locking air friendly aircraft
E locking ground target
five,Wingman control and air formation control:
Tab: display radio communications (following the number keys to select the:
<1>.Wingman instruction).Issue wingman command (according to the instruction following the number keys to select the:
1.Attack My Target.) attack my target
2.Cover Me. cover me
3.Break. halted the attack
4.Rejoin. regrouped
5.Radar On/off. radar on / off
6.Drop Tanks. jettison fuel tanks
7.Status verification of Check.
8.Return to Base. returns a
0.Back. base to return to the main menu
<2>.Flight One. sent the first squadron of instruction (following the number keys to select the:
instruction)Note: each squadron of four aircraft.
1.Engage Air.
2.Engage Ground. air battle for ground attack
3.Break. halted the attack
4.Rejoin. regrouped
5.Radar On/off. radar on / off
6.Drop Tanks.
7.Formation abandoned the auxiliary tank....The formation of the menu (following the number keys to change formation):
tips: press the F6 button to move the mouse click the following numbers to watch the planes in the air fleet picture.
1.Spread Out.
2.Close Up. spread outward to move closer to
3.Goto Fluid-Four Formation. to
4.Goto Wall Formation. fourth flow formationTurn enclosure type
5.Goto Box Formation. to box type
6.Goto Arrowhead. to
7.Goto Wedge Formation. formation arrow into a wedge-shaped formation
8.Return to Base. returns the base
0.Back. return to previous menu
<3>.Flight Two... To second squadron command:
<4>.Flight. Three... To third squadron command: ibid.
<5>.Flight Four sent fourth... The squadron command: ibid.
<6>.Squadron... Put... Into Squadron (following the number keys to select instruction):
1.Spread Out
2.Close Up. spread outward to move closer to
3.Goto Trail Formation
4.Goto Line Abreast to follow the formation to side by side line formation
5.Goto Echelon Left to
6.Goto Echelon Right ladder formation on the left to right trapezoid formation
0.Back return to previous menu
<7>.Tactical Air Control Center. issued a warning machine instruction (according to the instruction following the number keys to select the:
1.Request Help.
2.Vector to) Nearest Threat. guide for help to the nearest target
3.Vector to Primary Target. guide to the main target
4.Vector to Home Base. guide to their base
5.Repeat Mission Status. repetitive task state
game frequently used buttons (in English):
Loading... Game loading please wait...
Exit exit (end game)
Accept accept, agree (game)
Briefing briefing
Loadout ammunition (into the ammunition depot)
Planning Map air route map
Flight Roster pilot roster (can pilot selection (
Fly) flight into combat)
Cancel cancel
Refly to flight (re-enter combat Statistics (
Debrief task report every combat Statistics)
Log combat log
game picture lower left corner display white (in English):
The first line: Aviation squadron nickname and fighter No..
Speed: flight speed of
Altitude: altitude
Heading: heading
Throttle: engine power
AIM-9 series is "rattlesnake" infrared short range air to air missile, the maximum range of 8km.AIM-7 series is a "sparrow" semi active radar guidance from the air to air missile, the maximum range of 45km.Mk.81/82/83/84, M-117 MK.82 Snakeye is down bombs, bombs, cluster bombs, MK.20 CBU-24/B is composite penetrators, GBU-10C/B, 12B/B is the laser guided bomb, BLU-1 is incendiary projectile.AGM-65A/B Maverick is "calf" TV guided air-to-surface missile, AGM-45B Shrike is the "shrike" anti radar missile, AGM-78A Standard ARM is the "standard" anti radar missile.ALAU series and UB series to launch AN/ALQ-131 ECM and QRC-160-1 ECM nest, is electronic warfare pods, can interfere with the enemy's radar.The AA series is a Russian (former Soviet) air-to-air missile.If you want to see for yourself how many missiles, bombs, to press the F6 key and then move the mouse can be seen.
flight range: longitude 8 ° ~ 92 ° north latitude 8 ° ~ n 92