I have to say I am very disappointed, I expected these bags to come better and that just is not the case. They are more wrinkled than the last ones, glue is still a problem as some are stuck to others. I promised my customer that these bags will be better than the last ones as she was already upset with the quality of the last bags. Now I am in a tough spot, as I will have to give her another discount on this shipment of the bags. The last shipment of bags my customer threw away 15% of the bags as they were too damaged to be used, your printer offered a 10% discount so I ended up eating the other 5%.
50% of the gift card holders were damaged which your printer did offer that discount which we are grateful for. I guess I am hoping for some more cooperation from your printer with this shipment of bags as I will have to again give her a discount that I myself cannot afford without cooperation. I hope we can come to an agreement on making both parties happy as we are both the middleman’s in this situation.
Please let me know your thoughts.