3.3. Separation and purification of oligosaccharides
Chromatography of enzymatic hydrolysate by using tandem columns is shown in Fig. 2A. Four major fractions which possesse significantly high RID signals were nominated as fraction I, II, III and IV. The distribution coefficients of those four fractions were 0.416, 0.443, 0.619 and 0.674. Referring to the oligosaccharide profile and corresponding distribution coefficients determined by LC–MS, fraction I, II, III and IV were predicted to be disulphated trifucose, disulphated tetrafucose, tetrasulphated heptafucose and tetrasulphated octafucose, respectively. Those oligosaccharides were separated and selected for further structural analysis. The yields of fraction I, II, III and IV were 8.8%, 8.3%, 8.6% and 7.6%, respectively. Their purities were identified by FACE, as shown in Fig. 2B. The band of each purified oligosaccharide was narrow and distinct, and furthermore there was no miscellaneous band around. This demonstrates that the purities of the oligosaccharides were high.