

适当提高炉渣碱度,保证一定的镁铝比。采用合理的造渣制度是降硅的必要条件,维持较高的炉渣碱度对低硅冶炼有利。因为随着碱度的提高,渣中CaO与SiO2容易生成3CaO.SiO2和2 CaO.SiO2等化合物,降低了滴落带中中间渣的活度,抑制了硅的还原。此外,随着碱度提高,铁水物理热升高,有利于炉渣脱硫和降低硅素。考虑到永钢外围条件波动频繁,对炉况稳定带来的不利影响,二元碱度不宜过高,因为较高的碱度需要较高的热量,高炉降硅过程中不可避免的会出现亏热现象,而热量降低带来的最大危害在炉渣流动性和脱硫效果变差,一旦外围条件大幅度变化调剂不及时,容易造成炉缸工作变差,给高炉稳定顺行带来不利影响。而适当提高渣中MgO含量,保证一定的镁铝比,既可以保证炉渣脱硫效果,提高炉渣流动性,保证生铁质量。从当前的冶炼实践看,镁铝比应保持在0.65以上,上限不高于0.8%,以避免过高的MgO造成烧结矿成本上升和质量下降。
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結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
ObjectiveReducing Silicon content in molten iron is not only good for iron, also has greater benefits for steelmaking. According to multiple enterprise statistics, Silicon 0.1%, fuel ratio 4kg/t, production increased five and makes stable furnace conditions along the line. For steel-making, reduction of Silicon can greatly reduce the consumption of desiliconization reaction of lime and slag, improve the refining effect of steelmaking process; and with the reduced slag and steelmaking smelting time and productivity. Therefore, low Silicon smelting of iron and steel enterprises is necessary, is the important benefits of enterprise growth.Push all the blast furnace ironmaking plant of low Silicon smelting is the synchronized, each has different characteristics for blast furnace, the situation is not the same, some conditions of blast furnace itself well, blast furnace equipment itself is poor. Through mutual learning and mutual differences of blast furnace, blast furnaces with different degrees of progress.We blast since its May low Silicon smelting have obvious economic benefits, iron works as a whole average 19673 increased daily output from April to May of 20277 tons, basically stable in June at 20700 tons, of Silicon by more than 0.5% down to 0.413%, in June essentially stable at around 0.38%, furnace-grade decline in yield under the condition of progress, have obvious economic benefits. Steel-making molten iron production gradually reduced after the inclusion of the amount of scrap, alone will cost 10 million Yuan a month, plus benefits of fuel ratio, lower cost nearly 15 million a month, since the introduction of low Silicon smelting furnace condition remained stable, with the further improvement of furnace, the indicators are there is room for improvement.1.2 principles of low Silicon smelting: silicon heat, losing hot Silicon does not drop. To achieve low Silicon smelting, the hearth must have sufficient physical heat guarantee, hearth heat will damage the normal distribution of air flow, causing hearth disorders, fuel rate soared furnace along the line was broken. Furnace cooling is most causes of abnormal furnace condition, furnace cool to blast furnace brought harm is enormous. Therefore, low Silicon smelting hearth must pay attention to the heat only furnace heat energy, Silicon space, can blast furnaces to produce benefits.1.3 the benefits of low Silicon smelting: reducing Silicon content in molten iron is not only good for iron, also has greater benefits for steelmaking. According to multiple enterprise statistics, Silicon 0.1%, fuel ratio 4kg/t, production 0.5-0.7%, and conducive to stable furnace conditions along the line. For steel-making, reduction of Silicon can greatly reduce the consumption of desiliconization reaction of lime and slag, improve the refining effect of steelmaking process; and with the reduced slag and steelmaking smelting time and productivity. Therefore, low Silicon smelting of iron and steel enterprises is necessary, is the important benefits of enterprise growth.1.4 measures for low Silicon smeltingMeasures of low Silicon smelting:加强原燃料入炉管理,精料是高炉不变的话题,也是高炉取得良好经济技术指标的必要条件。这里所讲的精料不一定非要入炉品位如何如何高,焦炭质量多么多么好,非要达到一定的标准才算精料,因为就目前来说,钢铁企业大多处于微利或亏损运营,上游原材料价格降幅低于钢铁产品降幅,因此,当前钢铁企业已不过分追求过高的入炉品位和过好的焦炭质量,低成本战略已成为当前钢企的追求方向,怎样在原燃料条件变差的情况下实现高炉稳定顺行,怎样使综合效益达到最大化成为企业努力的目标。就高炉来说,加强原燃料管理主要是三方面:一是稳定炉料结构,高炉操作稳定与变化是相对的,变化是绝对的,但稳定是我们追求的目标。原料稳定一是要求炉料结构相对稳定,不要频繁调整,因为任何一种原料的变化都会影响到软融带的变化,尤其是料种变化或同种料比例大幅度变化时影响较大,5月下旬三厂高炉失常就与当时烧结矿比例大幅度下降球团比例大幅上升有关。就焦炭来说,永钢采购的焦炭厂家多、品种杂,料场堆取料方面还存在诸多问题,加上永钢地处南方,雨水频繁,大气湿度波动大,造成焦炭实际水分波动较大,高炉燃料比波动较大,现在焦炭逐渐实现平铺直取,成分稳定性有所加强。二是强化筛分管理,减少粉末入炉。高炉原料要求高、熟、净、稳、小、匀,其中净就是强调筛净粉末,通过加强槽下筛分,减少粉末入炉,对永钢来说,块矿品种变化多,筛分困难,通过加大振筛振幅,延长振料时间,及时更换检查筛网等最大限度的保证筛分效果。三是原燃料成分要相对稳定。目前,烧结矿成分碱度波动仍然较大,尤其是碱度波动,给炉渣碱度平衡带来很大问题,致使炉料结构调整频繁,高炉稳定性得不到保证;二是料场在堆取焦炭方面还存在问题,虽然实现了对进场焦炭进行平铺,减少了不同厂家焦炭带来的成分和水分波动,但料场在给高炉料仓上料方面并没有真正实现直取,而是换堆频繁,造成高炉燃料比波动较大,炉温难以控制。以后应加强料场堆取料方面的学习和监管,真正为高炉提供相对稳定的原料。提高热风温度,降低焦比。热风是最廉价的能源,实践证明,风温每提高100℃,焦比下降10—20kg/t,产量提高,此外,高风温可以使炉内高温区下移,降低了硅还原的高度,因而有利于冶炼低硅生铁。使用高风温还可以与喷吹燃料相结合,高风温可以补偿喷吹燃料所需要的热量,有利于炉况顺行,同时,还可以避免风口区理论燃烧温度过高导致SiO过多形成,并且缓解炉缸水平与垂直方向的温度梯度,有利于炉况稳定顺行。永钢高炉目前风温偏低,7座小高炉风温水平只有1050-1130℃左右,其中1高炉风温仅有950℃,7高炉风温虽有1050℃,但初末温差高达150℃,给高炉操作带来较大困难。高炉风温大大低于国内同类型高炉先进水平,造成焦比偏高,给降硅带来一定困难。通过优化烧炉方式,改进操作,稳定煤气用量,适当增加富氧等将风温提高20—30℃,相当于降低焦比5kg/t。制定合理的上下部操作制度,提高煤气利用率。高炉操作讲究上稳下活,下部用高风速吹透中心,上部适当疏松边缘。对于高炉来说,要保证稳定顺行取得较好的经济技术指标,需要中心和边缘两道煤气流,要达到中心气流充沛,边缘稳定均匀。过分强调中心或边缘都是片面的,特别是小高炉,外围原料条件波动大,一定要在保证中心气流的基础上适当疏松边缘,否则边缘过重容易造成崩料甚至悬料,边缘过轻又容易造成炉况波动大,燃料比升高。经过对几座高炉的料制调整,目前几座高炉基本实现了稳定顺行,指标也有一定的改善。送风制度上尽量要求风口等长等径,风口长度应不小于炉缸直径的5%,边缘气流不均匀时首先调整风口直径,其次调整风口长度,从目前来看,一厂高炉风口调整幅度不大,二厂高炉风口长度明显偏短,有休风机会适当调整。适当提高炉渣碱度,保证一定的镁铝比。采用合理的造渣制度是降硅的必要条件,维持较高的炉渣碱度对低硅冶炼有利。因为随着碱度的提高,渣中CaO与SiO2容易生成3CaO.SiO2和2 CaO.SiO2等化合物,降低了滴落带中中间渣的活度,抑制了硅的还原。此外,随着碱度提高,铁水物理热升高,有利于炉渣脱硫和降低硅素。考虑到永钢外围条件波动频繁,对炉况稳定带来的不利影响,二元碱度不宜过高,因为较高的碱度需要较高的热量,高炉降硅过程中不可避免的会出现亏热现象,而热量降低带来的最大危害在炉渣流动性和脱硫效果变差,一旦外围条件大幅度变化调剂不及时,容易造成炉缸工作变差,给高炉稳定顺行带来不利影响。而适当提高渣中MgO含量,保证一定的镁铝比,既可以保证炉渣脱硫效果,提高炉渣流动性,保证生铁质量。从当前的冶炼实践看,镁铝比应保持在0.65以上,上限不高于0.8%,以避免过高的MgO造成烧结矿成本上升和质量下降。提高炉顶压力。顶压提高后,煤气流速降低,煤气在炉内停留时间延长,有利于提高煤气利用率。同时顶压提高后,可抑制SiO2的直接还原反应(C+SiO2---SiO+CO2)、减少SiO气体的生成,在一定程度上有利于降低铁水含硅。永钢小高炉以前顶压偏低,只有140Kpa左右,现在已提高到145—150KPa,既解决了高炉在入炉品位降低后透气性变差的问题,保证了入炉风量稳定,也在一定程度上对降硅起了推动作用。但目前在顶压使用方面,二厂几座高炉遇到了一定的问题,4高炉受气密箱影响顶压偏低,只有115Kpa,较一厂三座同类型高炉低30KPa以上,这就使高炉被迫采用长风口降低压差,对高炉边缘气流的控制造成了一定影响。5—7高炉炉役到了后期,热风系统存在隐患,风压限制在280KPa以内,也对高炉用风造成了一定影响。
結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
It is not only beneficial for iron smelting to reduce silicon content in hot metal, it also has good benefit for steelmaking.. According to the statistics of many enterprises, the silicon element per 0.1% reduction, fuel ratio of 4kg/t, yield increase 5 - 7%, and are good for the stability of the furnace.. For steelmaking, to reduce the silicon element can reduce the amount of desilication reaction consumption of lime and slag quantity and improve the process of steelmaking refining effect; at the same time with the reduction of the amount of slag, smelting time is shortened and improve the productivity. Therefore, the low silicon smelting for iron and steel enterprise is imperative, is an enterprise important benefit growth point. Advancing low silicon smelting is carried out synchronously with all the blast furnace of the whole iron smelting plant.,Each blast furnace has different characteristics, the situation is not the same, some of the blast furnace itself is better, some of the blast furnace itself is equipped with a little bit. Through the mutual learning, mutual benchmarking for the gap of blast furnace, blast furnace has a different degree of progress.
we Yonggang blast furnace since may implement low silicon smelting has obvious economic benefit and the ironmaking plant daily output from the April average 19673 tons rise to 20277 tons in May, June is basically stable in more than 20700 tons, silicon by more than 0.5% dropped to 0.413%, June is basically stable at about 0.38%, grade into the furnace decreased the realized yield indicators of progress and economic benefits obvious.Steelmaking since the hot metal output increased and then gradually reduce the amount of scrap to join the monthly only reduced the cost of 10 million yuan, plus fuel to bring down the efficiency ratio of per month to reduce the cost of nearly 15 million, since the implementation of the low silicon smelting, furnace remained the smooth and stable, with a further improvement in the furnace, the indicators have progress of space.
1.2 principle of low silicon smelting: the silicon does not drop the heat, the heat loss is not reduced silicon. To achieve low silicon smelting, must do to ensure adequate hearth thermal physics, heat would undermine the airflow of the normal distribution hearth deficit, resulting in hearth disorders, fuel ratio significantly increased, operation of BF is broken.The cooling of the furnace is the cause of most of the furnace conditions, the harm caused by the furnace cooling to the blast furnace is enormous.. Therefore, low silicon smelting, you must pay attention to the hearth heat, only hearth heat abundant, in order to have a drop of silicon space to the blast furnace produce benefits.
1.3 low silicon smelting benefits: the reduction of silicon content in hot metal is not only beneficial for iron smelting, and also has a greater benefit for steelmaking. According to the statistics of many enterprises, the silicon element per 0.1% reduction, fuel ratio of 4kg/t, yield increase 0.5 - 0.7%, and are good for the stability of the furnace.. In the case of steel smelting, it can reduce the amount of lime and slag, and improve the refining effect of the process.;At the same time, with the reduction of slag amount, smelting time and productivity increase. Therefore, the low silicon smelting for iron and steel enterprise is imperative, is an enterprise important benefit growth point.
1.4 low silicon smelting measures
low silicon smelting measures:
strengthen the original fuel into the furnace management, fine material is the same topic, but also blast furnace to obtain good economic and technical indicators of the necessary conditions. What tell here concentrate not necessarily to grade into the furnace how high, coke quality how good, to reach a certain standard to concentrate, because for now, iron and steel enterprises mostly in profit or loss in operation,Upstream raw materials prices decline below the decline of steel products. Therefore, the iron and steel enterprises has not excessive pursuit of high grade into the furnace and coke quality, low cost strategy has become the pursuit direction of current steel prices, how to realize stability of BF, in case of deterioration of raw material and fuel condition, how to make comprehensive benefits maximized become enterprises in their efforts to the goal. Blast furnace, to strengthen the management of raw materials and fuel is mainly in three aspects: one is the stability of the furnace charge structure, blast furnace operation stability and change is relative, change is absolute, but stability is our pursuit of the goal. Is a stable raw material requirements of burden structure is relatively stable, not frequent adjustment,Because any kind of raw material changes will affect the soft melting zone changes, especially changes or the same proportion of the material greatly change material impact larger, late May factory blast furnace abnormal is and then sintering ore proportion greatly decreased the proportion of pellet rose sharply on. Coke, Yonggang procurement coke manufacturers, mixed breed, stockyard stacker and Reclaimer aspects still exist many problems, plus Yonggang, located in the south, frequent rain, large fluctuations in atmospheric humidity, resulting in coke actual moisture fluctuations larger, blast furnace fuel ratio greater volatility, now coke gradually realize tile straight, ingredient stability has been strengthened. Two is to strengthen the screening management,Reduce powder into the furnace. Requirements of blast furnace raw material to high, cooked, net, stability, small and uniform, the net is to emphasize the sieve net powder, by strengthening the slot sieve to reduce powder into the furnace, to Yonggang, lump ore varieties varied, sieving difficult, by increasing the vibration amplitude of the sieve, prolonged vibration feeding time, timely replacement of check the screen and to maximize the screening effect is ensured. Three is the original fuel ingredients to be relatively stable. At present, sinter composition alkalinity fluctuation is still large, especially alkalinity fluctuation, to slag basicity balance brings a big problem, resulting in frequent burden structure adjustment and stability of blast furnace can not be guaranteed.
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