For example, two people stuck in traffic on their way to an important meeting may interpret a situa- tion in different ways and may have different behav- ioral and emotional reactions to it. Person A may experience worry; anger; frustration, or may engage in violent behaviors, such as honking the horn and yelling at other drivers or passengers. Individual A’s behaviors and feelings are a result of negative, non- adaptive automatic thoughts, such as ‘‘This is ridicu- lous, everyone here is a horrible driver’’; ‘‘This is just my luck; only bad things can happen to me; I just can’t believe this’’; ‘‘I am going to be late and I will be fired.’’ Person B remains calm and engages in be- haviors, such as turning on the radio to his favorite program. Individual B’s behavior and feelings are a result of positive, adaptive automatic thoughts, such as ‘‘There is nothing I can do right now, but call and say I will be late’’; ‘‘Getting upset over this situation will not solve anything’’; ‘‘This is no one’s fault’’; ‘‘I need to make the best of this situation.’