00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:06,440
small umbrella this is the last of the
one light umbrella setups and uses the
00:00:06,440 --> 00:00:11,710
small umbrella this is going to give the
most overall contrast for this shot we
00:00:11,710 --> 00:00:18,090
use one ProPhoto power packs 1 ProPhoto
had a stand a reflector and a small
00:00:18,090 --> 00:00:22,949
white umbrella as with the two previous
umbrella set-ups the umbrella was placed
00:00:22,949 --> 00:00:27,150
about six feet away from the model six
feet high and with the umbrella angle
00:00:27,150 --> 00:00:32,009
down towards her face however is again
meter that F eight the camera was said
00:00:32,009 --> 00:00:37,770
to FAA at 11 60th of a second and ISO
100 one of the nice functions of an
00:00:37,770 --> 00:00:42,230
umbrella as they can be placed either to
the side three quarters or completely
00:00:42,230 --> 00:00:46,250
frontal and because of its wraparound
design will almost always get a
00:00:46,250 --> 00:00:47,170
flattering light
00:00:47,170 --> 00:00:51,989
depending on the shape of the model's
face wear her hair is parted and the
00:00:51,989 --> 00:00:55,949
angle of the shot I love this mom
brother creates a lot of contrast
00:00:55,949 --> 00:00:58,870
obviously it's going to create a lot
more than you with your medium or large
00:00:58,870 --> 00:01:01,750
umbrellas it's very directional so
00:01:01,750 --> 00:01:05,180
your model has spewed everywhere where
the lights coming from I often use it
00:01:05,180 --> 00:01:09,900
even to do like a sidelight just for
paramount like to create a lot of
00:01:09,900 --> 00:01:14,860
Shadows doesn't really matter where she
moves officer to capture that where the
00:01:14,860 --> 00:01:18,690
light falls and as such I like the lot
100:00:00,000 --> 00:00:06,440small umbrella this is the last of theone light umbrella setups and uses the200:00:06,440 --> 00:00:11,710small umbrella this is going to give themost overall contrast for this shot we300:00:11,710 --> 00:00:18,090use one ProPhoto power packs 1 ProPhotohad a stand a reflector and a small400:00:18,090 --> 00:00:22,949white umbrella as with the two previousumbrella set-ups the umbrella was placed500:00:22,949 --> 00:00:27,150about six feet away from the model sixfeet high and with the umbrella angle600:00:27,150 --> 00:00:32,009down towards her face however is againmeter that F eight the camera was said700:00:32,009 --> 00:00:37,770to FAA at 11 60th of a second and ISO100 one of the nice functions of an800:00:37,770 --> 00:00:42,230umbrella as they can be placed either tothe side three quarters or completely900:00:42,230 --> 00:00:46,250frontal and because of its wraparounddesign will almost always get a1000:00:46,250 --> 00:00:47,170flattering light1100:00:47,170 --> 00:00:51,989depending on the shape of the model'sface wear her hair is parted and the1200:00:51,989 --> 00:00:55,949angle of the shot I love this mombrother creates a lot of contrast1300:00:55,949 --> 00:00:58,870obviously it's going to create a lotmore than you with your medium or large1400:00:58,870 --> 00:01:01,750umbrellas it's very directional so1500:01:01,750--> 00:01:05,180您的模型已喷出无处不在哪里通常来自我的灯使用它1600:01:05,180--> 00:01:09,900即使这样做只是为了一盏尾灯派拉蒙喜欢创造了很多的1700:01:09,900--> 00:01:14,860阴影真的没关系在那里她移动人员捕获在哪里1800:01:14,860--> 00:01:18,690光照射,因此我喜欢多