We,PERHAPPY,are a directly manufacturer and trader,specialized in fashion bags with 20 years' experience. Our products cover all types of fashion bags, from handbags and shoulder bags to cosmetic bags,sports bags and promotion bags etc...
Now the factory has grown up to more than 1,000 labour with 10,000 M'wokshop. The brand we aie producing includes KANGAROOS, GABOL,HSN,L'OREAL,CLARINS AND AVON etc...
We have full capability in design and manufacture,including transforming drawing to commercial produc.Oru success is own to the trust of our customer,the effort of our labour and the team work of our employee.
The products we pursue are with competitive quality and price in the market.And the cooperation in every business we pursue are based on honesty and enjoyable.
If you like our style,
If you interest in cooperation with us,
Do not hesitate