Anne-Marie Gijbels to you
Foto with my former boyfriend. Was a bit too quiet for me ;)
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Me to Anne-Marie GijbelsSent
I'm in love with my best friend,the one I laugh withand live for,and it's a wonderful feeling.
Every day is a holiday,when we're together,and the world is suddenly
filled with intense beauty,when we touch.
But even when we're apart,just knowing we have each,other makes everything sparkle,like a radiant jewel.
I go to sleep,last night with a smile,knowing that, together,we'll happily
build our dreamsand reach the stars.
Yes, I'm in love with you,and you'll always bemy best friend,
the one I live for and dream of.
Good moring my lady
Me to Anne-Marie GijbelsSent
I miss you more than words can say,
I think of youeach singke day
I lov you like my sister and friend,
I'll always love you till the end.
The more i think,the more i weep,
At least i have memories of
your lovely voice and face
to keep
I know we'll meet someday enough
But i can't wait coause this
is tough for me
Everything i see id pretty flower
I think of you than my eyes
Everytime i open on my computer
I look t yoy and me and i
Smile cause there is we
somerhing great in us
A Morning is a Wonderful Blessing, Either Cloudy or Sunny.
It stands for Hope, giving us another start of what we call Life,love and happiness
Good Morning sweet heart
Me to Anne-Marie GijbelsSent
Me to Anne-Marie GijbelsSent
I can't live without you.
I would breathe the air,
and my heart would beat,
but I would not feel the joy of life.
My dreams would be lost
like a leaf carted away by a storm.
I would gaze at the stars
without appreciating the
way they light up the sky.
I would pass the roses in bloom
without noticing their beauty.
I would no longer look forward
to each sunset and each dawn.
I would be broken,
never to be mended again.
Winter would own my heart;
its icy breath would steal
the warmth in my soul,
because I could not smile
without your love.
I could not know laughter
or happiness.
If you were lost to me,
I'd have no reason to try,
no reason to be.
You are my prayer,
my shelter from
hopelessness and despair,
my sunshine, my light,
my lazy days,
my peaceful nights,
and only you can keep the
spark in my soul burning bright. LEWIS MARTIN LOVE YOU
膠片安妮-瑪麗 · Gijbels 給你與我的前男友的照片。有點太安靜了,我;)Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPhone我給安妮-瑪麗 · GijbelsSent我愛和我最好的朋友,我一笑電閃,活,美妙的感覺。每天都是假日,當我們在一起,和世界是突然當我們觸摸充滿濃烈的美。但即使我們分開,只知道我們有每個,其他一切都閃閃發光,像發光的珠寶。我去睡覺,昨晚帶著微笑,知道,在一起,我們會幸福建立我們的夢想達到星星。是的我愛上了你,和你永遠註定最好的朋友,那個我為活著而夢。早上好我的女人我給安妮-瑪麗 · GijbelsSent我想念你,勝過千言萬語說不盡,我認為 youeach 單程票一天我愛你喜歡我的妹妹和朋友,我會永遠愛你直到生命的盡頭。我越想,越哭了,至少我有記憶的你可愛的聲音和臉保持我知道我們足夠總有一天會見面但我不能等根據地這我很難一切,我看到 id 美麗的花朵我想你比我的眼睛洗個澡。每次我打開我的電腦上我看 t 同比和我和我微笑是我們的那裡的事業在我們偉大的 somerhing一個早晨是美好的祝福,無論陰天或陽光。它代表著希望,給了我們另一個我們稱之為生命、 愛情和幸福的開始好早上甜蜜心我給安妮-瑪麗 · GijbelsSent我給安妮-瑪麗 · GijbelsSentI can't live without you.I would breathe the air,and my heart would beat,but I would not feel the joy of life.My dreams would be lostlike a leaf carted away by a storm.I would gaze at the starswithout appreciating theway they light up the sky.I would pass the roses in bloomwithout noticing their beauty.I would no longer look forwardto each sunset and each dawn.I would be broken,never to be mended again.Winter would own my heart;its icy breath would stealthe warmth in my soul,because I could not smilewithout your love.I could not know laughteror happiness.If you were lost to me,I'd have no reason to try,no reason to be.You are my prayer,my shelter fromhopelessness and despair,my sunshine, my light,my lazy days,my peaceful nights,and only you can keep thespark in my soul burning bright. LEWIS MARTIN LOVE YOU