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Read/watch with an open mind, it really does work!
By Paul S
from Barcelona, Spain
I've just watched The Secret on DVD after going through a fairly difficult time recently, and I am 100% sure The Secret is going to work for me. I looked back through my life at the many events (both positive and negative) and realised they were all caused by the law of attraction.
I will explain what happened to me at the various stages in my life.
Age 18-25 - Had a great time growing into an adult, bought a lovely apartment, went on lots of holidays, partied a lot and ran up lots of debt with credit cards, loans and overdrafts. I ran up quite a ridiculous amount of debt, but was juggling it around and paying it off with other debt. I didn't really worry about it, although many say I should have done.
Age 25 - Received a payment which I had been expecting from a share scheme I was in with my employers. I'd known the money was coming for two years, and spent a lot of time imagining myself with plenty of money again and no debt. When the figures were released I received double the amount I had been told to expect. I moved to Barcelona to begin a new life and had the most incredible year imaginable.
Age 26 - In the space of just one month my incredible life fell apart when I lost my job, was forced to move out of my house, and split up with the guy I was seeing. (which I now realise was because I allowed negative thoughts and fear of things going wrong). At first I took it hard but I always had a positive attitude that whatever had happened, just meant that something better was around the corner.
3 months later - I had rented my own place and moved out of shared accommodation and found a better paid job.
Age 28 - Everything was going well until September 2011 when I got osteonecrosis in the hip joint. I've been unable to work for the last 18 months.
Age 30 / NOW - After watching The Secret I realised I was not allowing my illness to heal because I was paying it too much attention. I am now totally converted to The Secret and telling everyone to watch it or read it. I have a gratitude rock and thank myself for my healing everyday, I rid myself of negative thoughts when they come into my head and and for the last few days I have been waking up with a smile on my face looking forward to my full recovery when I will run 11km to raise money for bone charities. After which I plan to travel before starting my own successful business here in Barcelona.
About Paul S from Barcelona, Spain:
A 30 year old guy who 18 months ago developed osteonecrosis in the hip joint. I've just watched The Secret DVD and I now know that I will make a full recovery.
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