I had a strange prompted by a sudden impulse,I dare to speak frankly(but only for lovers to hear):What happened to me here.At that time, my lover,Like the color of the rose in June:In the evening, under the pale moonlight,I went to her hut.I watched all eyes toward the moon,Through the vast Ping wu;My horse has accelerated the pace of,Set foot on my path.We came to the orchard, and thenClimb a mountain,At this time, the moon is slowly falling,Near Lucy"s roof.I sink into a gentle dreamGood luck gift treasures!My eyes are firmly fixedSlowly falling.My horse ah, don"t stop,Step by step forward:I saw the moon suddenly.Sink into the hut behind.What strange thoughts, and confused and confused,Will slip into the lover"s mind!"Oh!" I exclaimed to myself,"In case Lucy would die!"