00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:04,350
these objects over here in the greenery
while they may look like spirit tires
00:00:04,350 --> 00:00:07,279
but trust me they're not you don't want
to get too close to try and find out
00:00:07,279 --> 00:00:11,269
they're not spare tires are nevertheless
it's time for us to make the rubber
00:00:11,269 --> 00:00:15,110
meets the road we've got a lot of
pictures do not that much time to do a
00:00:15,110 --> 00:00:21,970
min so we're going to have to be pretty
fast here the toughest part maybe to
00:00:21,970 --> 00:00:25,820
stay within this ten second parameter
that I gave you I wanna be able to
00:00:25,820 --> 00:00:29,070
analyze every picture in 10 seconds or
less to figure out where there's
00:00:29,070 --> 00:00:32,880
something that we need to do if that's
hard for you can let me offer a
00:00:32,880 --> 00:00:37,920
suggestion just put the picture on the
screen for the first time
00:00:37,920 --> 00:00:43,410
hit the pause button would be working at
my speed but what you might want to do
00:00:43,410 --> 00:00:48,280
is just hit pause until you're ready
with your only answer as to what should
00:00:48,280 --> 00:00:52,520
be looked at here what should we be
measuring what values are we expecting
00:00:52,520 --> 00:00:57,289
to find so let's start with this picture
again hit the pause button don't feel
00:00:57,289 --> 00:01:02,120
like myself I say what are we looking
for a while the war could be just about
00:01:02,120 --> 00:01:06,750
anything and here's mine is 1-20 so
that's pretty blue and I guess that's
00:01:06,750 --> 00:01:10,570
kind of what I would expect in the
greenery I expect negative and positive
00:01:10,570 --> 00:01:14,880
be and I think the be should be higher
than it should be further away from zero
00:01:14,880 --> 00:01:19,990
then the ages and that is what we've got
several areas usually the bees around
00:01:19,990 --> 00:01:24,360
twice as high as the a is that's
perfectly acceptable and as far as the
00:01:24,360 --> 00:01:27,830
Gators are concerned I don't really know
I would surmise that probably either
00:01:27,830 --> 00:01:33,579
neutral or their warm card because the
hot Sun and that's what we've got here a
00:01:33,579 --> 00:01:37,340
little bit more over higher in the
beaten in the eighth notes just on the
00:01:37,340 --> 00:01:39,900
yellow sign a brown and that looks good
00:01:39,900 --> 00:01:44,009
ok so far as I can see there's no color
issue that would require curves in this
00:01:44,009 --> 00:01:48,829
document next would be the question
should we do we desire to have better
00:01:48,829 --> 00:01:52,799
detail in the shadows and highlights the
answer is yes but the second part of
00:01:52,799 --> 00:01:57,509
that question is is there some area of
the picture that significant that has
00:01:57,509 --> 00:02:04,730
volumes higher than 230 in the weakest
channel not here
00:02:04,730 --> 00:02:12,420
here is close but no cigar and hear that
doesn't work either so my conclusion is
00:02:12,420 --> 00:02:16,070
we're not close enough so that we should
you shadow highlights so we don't have
00:02:16,070 --> 00:02:19,870
curves you don't have shadow highly we
don't got nothing so this part of the
00:02:19,870 --> 00:02:23,250
operation we do nothing here we just
closed the image out we pick it up next
00:02:23,250 --> 00:02:31,900
time no change now hear what we have hit
the pause button now gonna answer my
00:02:31,900 --> 00:02:38,490
answer is cloud somewhere should be
quite and they're not really so i think
00:02:38,490 --> 00:02:44,540
im just drop us a PowerPoint in there so
that we can work on it what else do we
00:02:44,540 --> 00:02:51,490
have greenery came this stays within the
rule that I gave you which is negative a
00:02:51,490 --> 00:02:55,490
positive B&B is further away from me is
that looks good
00:02:55,490 --> 00:03:00,990
Kate don't really know what color the
the rocks are back here the pavement
00:03:00,990 --> 00:03:06,170
while it's hot Sun so you think it might
possibly be warm but it might be blue
00:03:06,170 --> 00:03:14,209
also you don't really know about
concrete how about up here in this this
00:03:14,209 --> 00:03:18,320
part of the rocky really be right just
checking of weed we don't know whether
00:03:18,320 --> 00:03:22,620
whether it's great or what but if it's
not great think would have to be warned
00:03:22,620 --> 00:03:27,870
you think it'd have to be on the brown
side and right with the cursor is 19-3
00:03:27,870 --> 00:03:32,730
in the atrial that saying that it's it's
more green than his magenta I don't see
00:03:32,730 --> 00:03:35,600
how that could possibly be right I don't
think there will be any hint of green
00:03:35,600 --> 00:03:41,420
this illness so see we've gotten
00:03:41,420 --> 00:03:46,800
I'm just meet later first Missy what
happens if he just picks up these clouds
00:03:46,800 --> 00:03:51,640
or their white if they're white that
will be equal values in the red green
00:03:51,640 --> 00:03:57,040
and blue channels I'm just gonna read
down until it meets the blue value there
00:03:57,040 --> 00:04:02,290
when we do the same with the green you
see in the lightest part of clouds there
00:04:02,290 --> 00:04:08,200
are no good vibes of 246 246 246 that is
definitely quite what does that do for
00:04:08,200 --> 00:04:10,420
the rest of the colors
00:04:10,420 --> 00:04:18,859
trees are still good for the pain has
gotten quite yellow this area the rocks
00:04:18,859 --> 00:04:26,260
we don't know the sky is a nice blue
tiles the purple blue up here this is
00:04:26,260 --> 00:04:29,700
where we were having little bit of
difficulty before an ounce white yellow
00:04:29,700 --> 00:04:37,980
cake is that wrong I don't know visually
I'm thinking to myself I don't trust
00:04:37,980 --> 00:04:41,960
this and I'm just saying is a member of
aesthetics I'm gonna take some of the
00:04:41,960 --> 00:04:47,400
yellow lights out there so here's here's
where it's located and I'm just gonna
00:04:47,400 --> 00:04:58,270
move the blue channel two little bit
lighter value in that this rocky rose
00:04:58,270 --> 00:05:04,350
pink now that the trees are getting a
little bit lower in the devalued I
00:05:04,350 --> 00:05:13,760
really think they should so I click
Clear increase channel at that point for
00:05:13,760 --> 00:05:17,400
these two paint no no
00:05:17,400 --> 00:05:25,160
ok to roll is now pink + 50 + 30 I don't
think pink is the correct color green
00:05:25,160 --> 00:05:28,820
channel which is going to be
contributing picked this will take some
00:05:28,820 --> 00:05:36,540
help there does this make anything to
green yes it does
00:05:36,540 --> 00:05:47,900
you hate to see those miners values
there after all this happened around 1
00:05:47,900 --> 00:05:51,310
finally have something that looks like
all the numbers are being met
00:05:51,310 --> 00:05:55,160
yes where we stand
00:05:55,160 --> 00:06:02,130
years before the curves years after
better for color should we go to color
00:06:02,130 --> 00:06:09,020
mode certainly looks worse this way but
again I would recommend doing it because
00:06:09,020 --> 00:06:13,640
I think we stay in normal mode if we
look at the individual workers
00:06:13,640 --> 00:06:18,160
particularly the Greenwich were a lot of
the contrast is this area of the curve
00:06:18,160 --> 00:06:24,380
is flat anything that falls in that area
is going to be using contrast and right
00:06:24,380 --> 00:06:29,060
here that area has lost a little bit of
contrast as a result of this curve and
00:06:29,060 --> 00:06:33,370
so have the cloud which are important
part of the image now it could be that
00:06:33,370 --> 00:06:35,270
we intend that to happen
00:06:35,270 --> 00:06:39,230
could be that we prefer to lose a little
bit of definition that sounds so that we
00:06:39,230 --> 00:06:42,670
can retain it elsewhere but I want to
make that decision in the second session
00:06:42,670 --> 00:06:49,590
not now so just leave this in color mode
and we'll worry about contrast later now
00:06:49,590 --> 00:06:56,050
by doing this we go to this point your
number one if we look at the info power
00:06:56,050 --> 00:07:01,310
we see that there are no channels higher
than 230 and so I think this is now
00:07:01,310 --> 00:07:04,550
unsuitable for Shadow highlight so we
forget about it
00:07:04,550 --> 00:07:09,400
flattened save clothes were done with
this one
00:07:09,400 --> 00:07:14,190
ok now what we got here hit the pause
button if you don't know my answer is
00:07:14,190 --> 00:07:19,710
the muscles presumably or white if not
white they should be there should be
00:07:19,710 --> 00:07:21,510
warm and
00:07:21,510 --> 00:07:26,380
and their little bit blue the way I see
it plus 2-6 so that furthers blue which
00:07:26,380 --> 00:07:32,980
is wrong it's blue their the nostrils
are probably black so I'm I would hope
100:00:00,000--> 00:00:04,350这些对象在这里绿叶丛中虽然它们看起来像精神的轮胎200:00:04,350--> 00:00:07,279相信我,但他们不是你不想要要靠得太近,试着找出300:00:07,279--> 00:00:11,269他们不是备用轮胎不过是这是我们要使橡胶的时候400:00:11,269--> 00:00:15,110遇上我们有很多的图片不这样做太多的时间做500:00:15,110--> 00:00:21,970所以我们必须要漂亮的民在这里快速的最艰难的部分也许对600:00:21,970--> 00:00:25,820呆在这十秒参数内让你能够700:00:25,820--> 00:00:29,070分析每个图片都在 10 秒内或少想出在哪里有800:00:29,070--> 00:00:32,880我们需要做如果那的东西的硬的你可以让我提供900:00:32,880--> 00:00:37,920建议把图片放在第一次屏幕1000:00:37,920--> 00:00:43,410点击暂停按钮将在工作我的速度,但你可能想做1100:00:43,410--> 00:00:48,280是只是点击暂停,直到你准备好了你唯一的答案,什么应该1200:00:48,280--> 00:00:52,520看着在这里我们应该是什么测量值我们期待什么1300:00:52,520--> 00:00:57,289因此,让我们找到这张图片开始再打暂停按钮不觉得1400:00:57,289--> 00:01:02,120like myself I say what are we lookingfor a while the war could be just about1500:01:02,120 --> 00:01:06,750anything and here's mine is 1-20 sothat's pretty blue and I guess that's1600:01:06,750 --> 00:01:10,570kind of what I would expect in thegreenery I expect negative and positive1700:01:10,570 --> 00:01:14,880be and I think the be should be higherthan it should be further away from zero1800:01:14,880 --> 00:01:19,990then the ages and that is what we've gotseveral areas usually the bees around1900:01:19,990 --> 00:01:24,360twice as high as the a is that'sperfectly acceptable and as far as the2000:01:24,360 --> 00:01:27,830Gators are concerned I don't really knowI would surmise that probably either2100:01:27,830 --> 00:01:33,579neutral or their warm card because thehot Sun and that's what we've got here a2200:01:33,579 --> 00:01:37,340little bit more over higher in thebeaten in the eighth notes just on the2300:01:37,340 --> 00:01:39,900yellow sign a brown and that looks goodtoo2400:01:39,900 --> 00:01:44,009ok so far as I can see there's no colorissue that would require curves in this2500:01:44,009 --> 00:01:48,829document next would be the questionshould we do we desire to have better2600:01:48,829 --> 00:01:52,799detail in the shadows and highlights theanswer is yes but the second part of2700:01:52,799 --> 00:01:57,509that question is is there some area of有的图片那么大2800:01:57,509--> 00:02:04,730高于 230 中最弱的卷通道不在这里2900:02:04,730--> 00:02:12,420在这里是很接近,但没有雪茄和听到这个消息也因此我的结论是不起作用3000:02:12,420--> 00:02:16,070我们靠得不够近,我们应你的影子突出了所以我们不必3100:02:16,070--> 00:02:19,870不是你们的曲线高度阴影我们不没有什么所以这部分的3200:02:19,870--> 00:02:23,250我们什么也不做的操作在这里我们只是关闭图像出我们把它捡起来下一步3300:02:23,250--> 00:02:31,900时间没有改变现在听到我们有打暂停按钮,现在要回答我3400:02:31,900--> 00:02:38,490答案是的云的地方应该是完全和他们不是真的所以我认为3500:02:38,490--> 00:02:44,540我只是我们下降 PowerPoint 在那里所以我们能对它还有什么做我们3600:02:44,540--> 00:02:51,490这停留在绿色植物来了规则让你即负3700:02:51,490--> 00:02:55,490我是进一步积极酒店式公寓是看起来不错3800:02:55,490--> 00:03:00,990凯特真的不知道什么颜色岩石是回到这里路面3900:03:00,990--> 00:03:06,170虽然它是炎热的太阳,所以你认为它可能可能是温暖但它可能是蓝色4000:03:06,170--> 00:03:14,209此外你真的不知道混凝土上面在这这里怎么样4100:03:14,209 --> 00:03:18,320part of the rocky really be right justchecking of weed we don't know whether4200:03:18,320 --> 00:03:22,620whether it's great or what but if it'snot great think would have to be warned4300:03:22,620 --> 00:03:27,870you think it'd have to be on the brownside and right with the cursor is 19-34400:03:27,870 --> 00:03:32,730in the atrial that saying that it's it'smore green than his magenta I don't see4500:03:32,730 --> 00:03:35,600how that could possibly be right I don'tthink there will be any hint of green4600:03:35,600 --> 00:03:41,420this illness so see we've gotten4700:03:41,420 --> 00:03:46,800I'm just meet later first Missy whathappens if he just picks up these clouds4800:03:46,800 --> 00:03:51,640or their white if they're white thatwill be equal values in the red green4900:03:51,640 --> 00:03:57,040and blue channels I'm just gonna readdown until it meets the blue value there5000:03:57,040 --> 00:04:02,290when we do the same with the green yousee in the lightest part of clouds there5100:04:02,290 --> 00:04:08,200are no good vibes of 246 246 246 that isdefinitely quite what does that do for5200:04:08,200 --> 00:04:10,420the rest of the colors5300:04:10,420 --> 00:04:18,859trees are still good for the pain hasgotten quite yellow this area the rocks5400:04:18,859 --> 00:04:26,260we don't know the sky is a nice blue瓷砖的紫色的蓝色向上在这里这是5500:04:26,260--> 00:04:29,700我们在那里吃少一点困难前盎司白色黄色5600:04:29,700--> 00:04:37,980蛋糕是错误的我不知道视觉我想对自己信不过5700:04:37,980--> 00:04:41,960这是只是说: 是的成员我要去取些的美学5800:04:41,960--> 00:04:47,400所以这里是这里是黄灯在那里它有的地方位于和我只要去5900:04:47,400--> 00:04:58,270移动的蓝色通道两个一点点打火机的价值,这岩石的玫瑰6000:04:58,270--> 00:05:04,350粉色现在,树木越来越有点低在贬值我6100:05:04,350--> 00:05:13,760真的觉得他们应该因此我单击明显增加的渠道在这一点6200:05:13,760--> 00:05:17,400这两个油漆不6300:05:17,400--> 00:05:25,160好了到辊是现在粉色 + 50 + 30 我不想想粉红色是正确的颜色绿色6400:05:25,160--> 00:05:28,820要的通道贡献拿这将采取一些6500:05:28,820--> 00:05:36,540那里的帮助做这事到绿色是它6600:05:36,540--> 00:05:47,900你不愿意看到那些矿工值以后,这一切发生约 16700:05:47,900--> 00:05:51,310最后有一些看起来像所有的数字都被满足6800:05:51,310--> 00:05:55,160是的我们的立场6900:05:55,160 --> 00:06:02,130years before the curves years afterbetter for color should we go to color7000:06:02,130 --> 00:06:09,020mode certainly looks worse this way butagain I would recommend doing it because7100:06:09,020 --> 00:06:13,640I think we stay in normal mode if welook at the individual workers7200:06:13,640 --> 00:06:18,160particularly the Greenwich were a lot ofthe contrast is this area of the curve7300:06:18,160 --> 00:06:24,380is flat anything that falls in that areais going to be using contrast and right7400:06:24,380 --> 00:06:29,060here that area has lost a little bit ofcontrast as a result of this curve and7500:06:29,060 --> 00:06:33,370so have the cloud which are importantpart of the image now it could be that7600:06:33,370 --> 00:06:35,270we intend that to happen7700:06:35,270 --> 00:06:39,230could be that we prefer to lose a littlebit of definition that sounds so that we7800:06:39,230 --> 00:06:42,670can retain it elsewhere but I want tomake that decision in the second session7900:06:42,670 --> 00:06:49,590not now so just leave this in color modeand we'll worry about contrast later now8000:06:49,590 --> 00:06:56,050by doing this we go to this point yournumber one if we look at the info power8100:06:56,050 --> 00:07:01,310we see that there are no channels higherthan 230 and so I think this is now8200:07:01,310 --> 00:07:04,550为阴影突出这样不适合我们忘了它8300:07:04,550--> 00:07:09,400扁平的衣服进行与保存这一8400:07:09,400--> 00:07:14,190好吧现在我们这儿点击暂停按钮,如果你不知道我的答案是8500:07:14,190--> 00:07:19,710肌肉可能或白色如果不他们应该是白色应该有8600:07:19,710--> 00:07:21,510温暖和8700:07:21,510--> 00:07:26,380和他们一点蓝看的方式它加 2 6 所以,进一步加强了蓝色的8800:07:26,380--> 00:07:32,980是错误的它是蓝色的鼻孔是我希望可能黑,所以我