The Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, through Baptism has already made you t的中文翻譯

The Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, thr

The Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, through Baptism has already made you temples of God’s glory and children of the Father. Today through our ministry he anoints you with a new grace and consecrates you to God by a new title. He gives each one of you the dignity of being a bride of Christ and binds you to the Son of God in a covenant to last forever.
The Church is the Bride of Christ. This title of the Church was given by the fathers and doctors of the Church to those like you who speak to us of the world to come, where there is no marrying or giving in marriage. You are a sign of the great mystery of salvation, proclaimed at the beginning of human history and fulfilled in the marriage covenant between Christ and his Church.
Make your whole life reflect your vocation and your dignity. Our holy mother the Church sees in you a chosen company within the flock of Christ. Through you the Church’s motherhood of grace bears its abundant fruit. Imitate the Mother of God; desire to be called and to be handmaids of the Lord. Preserve the fullness of your faith, the steadfastness of your hope, the single-heartedness of your love. Be prudent and watch: keep the glory of your virginity uncorrupted by pride. Nourish your love of God by feeding on the body of Christ; strengthen it by self-denial; build it up by study of the Scriptures, by untiring prayer, by works of mercy. Let your thoughts be on the things of God. Let your life be hidden with Christ in God. Make it your concern to pray fervently for the spread of the Christian faith and for the unity of all Christians. Pray earnestly to God for the welfare of the married. Remember also those who have forgotten their Father’s goodness and have abandoned his love, so that God’s mercy may forgive where his justice must condemn.
Never forget that you are given over entirely to the service of the Church and of all your brothers and sisters. You are apostles in the Church and in the world, in the things of the Spirit and in the things of the world. Let your light then shine before men and women, that your Father in heaven may be glorified, and his plan of making all things one in Christ come to perfection. Love everyone, especially those in need. Help the poor, care for the weak, teach the ignorant, protect the young, minister to the old, bring strength and comfort to widows and all in adversity.
You have renounced marriage for the sake of Christ. Your motherhood will be motherhood of the spirit, as you do the will of your Father and work with others in a spirit of charity, so that a great family of children may be born, or reborn, to the life of grace.
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結果 (中文) 1: [復制]
圣灵,圣灵,通过洗礼已你神荣耀的寺庙和父亲的孩子。今天通过我们的事工他膏你表现出新的优雅和供奉你到神的一个新的标题。他给你们每一个人的尊严的被基督的新娘,并将您绑定到神的儿子可以延续到永远的约。教会是基督的新娘。教会的这个标题由父亲和医生的教会给那些像你给我们的世界来,讲讲那里有没有结婚或给予在婚姻中。你的救恩,宣布在人类历史的开端,并履行在基督和祂的教会之间的婚姻盟约的最大奥秘迹象。让你整个的生活,反映你的职业和你的尊严。圣母教堂看到在你选择的公司内基督的羊群。通过你的恩典教会的母亲承担其丰富的水果。模仿母亲的神;希望被称为,是主的婢女。保留你的信仰,你的希望的坚定立场,single-heartedness 的你的爱充实。谨慎和观看: 保持廉洁的骄傲你贞操的荣耀。靠吃基督的身体; 滋养你的上帝的爱加强它的自我否定;建立它所研究的圣经 》,通过不懈的祈祷,仁慈的作品。让你的想法是在神的事上。让你的生命与基督在神藏。它使你关注以热切的心祷告基督教信仰的传播,所有基督徒的统一。真诚地向上帝祈祷,已婚的福利。也要记住那些已经忘记了他们父亲的仁慈和已经放弃了他的爱,这样神的怜悯可能原谅他正义必须谴责在哪里。永远不会忘记,你给了完全服务的教会和你的兄弟和姐妹。你是使徒在教会和世界、 精神的东西和世界的东西。让你的光然后照在男人和女人,可能得荣耀你在天上的父,和他的计划,使所有的东西你在基督里来到完美前。爱每个人,尤其是那些需要。帮助穷人,照顾弱者,教无知的人,保护年轻人,对老部长,带来力量和安慰,对寡妇和所有在逆境中。你放弃了婚姻因基督的缘故。你母亲将成为母亲的精神,你做你父亲的意愿和精神工作,与他人的施舍,这样一个伟大的家庭的孩子可能出生或者重生,生命的恩典。
結果 (中文) 3:[復制]
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