Has anybody seen an issue where the screen lock randomly works sometimes and not other times. Sometimes when you swipe to unlock it asks for the pin, and sometimes it just goes straight to the Home apps screen. It makes no sense why or when it does it. I have 2 devices and all settings are the same for security settings, and one has the problem and one works fine. On both units the smart lock feature is turned off (Trusted devices: None, Trusted places:None, Trusted voices: off, On body detection: off) I did notice that when the problem showed up it was yesterday (June 13) and the pin unlock keyboard change for some reason. The only difference between units is one has data encryption and one doesn't. (Which is the one that won't lock sometimes). I'm afraid to try to encrypt the unit that isn't working properly for fear of it being permanently locked.
I'm not sure what to do as both devices are identical but one works properly, and one is completely random. The phone that has the random unlock is unusable. You can unlock it and start pressing buttons accidentally without even knowing you unlocked it. Also if you ever loose the phone everyone can have your information on the phone.
Their are a few other bugs as most have pointed out here which you can deal with, but trying to use a phone that can't be locked is unusable. |
_____________________________________________________ Author| Post on 2015/6/15 21:53 | View robert77's posts
| Well, we encrypted the device this morning and it asks for the password when powering up, but we still have a random problem when we try to lock the device under normal use.
Now it actually gives us an error message when we try to unlock it from regular screen lock. The warning says : Warning slide to the right to disable system lock to avoid confusion with other locks.
So something is seriously wrong with the screen lock system.
Has anybody seen an issue where the screen lock randomly works sometimes and not other times. Sometimes when you swipe to unlock it asks for the pin, and sometimes it just goes straight to the Home apps screen. It makes no sense why or when it does it. I have 2 devices and all settings are the same for security settings, and one has the problem and one works fine. On both units the smart lock feature is turned off (Trusted devices: None, Trusted places:None, Trusted voices: off, On body detection: off) I did notice that when the problem showed up it was yesterday (June 13) and the pin unlock keyboard change for some reason. The only difference between units is one has data encryption and one doesn't. (Which is the one that won't lock sometimes). I'm afraid to try to encrypt the unit that isn't working properly for fear of it being permanently locked. I'm not sure what to do as both devices are identical but one works properly, and one is completely random. The phone that has the random unlock is unusable. You can unlock it and start pressing buttons accidentally without even knowing you unlocked it. Also if you ever loose the phone everyone can have your information on the phone. Their are a few other bugs as most have pointed out here which you can deal with, but trying to use a phone that can't be locked is unusable. |_____________________________________________________ Author| Post on 2015/6/15 21:53 | View robert77's posts |嗯,我們今天早上加密設備和它要求您輸入密碼時通電,但我們仍有隨機問題,當我們試圖鎖定設備在正常使用方式下。現在當我們嘗試解鎖從常規的螢幕鎖時,它實際上給我們一條錯誤訊息。警告說: 警告滑動到右側要禁用系統鎖定,以避免混淆與其它鎖。所以有點毛病嚴重螢幕鎖系統。