Hallo, mir ist ein kleiner Fehler unterlaufen da mein Konto noch nicht gedeckt ist. Bitte die Bestellung noch nicht Buchen oder versenden. Ich melde mich so bald die Buchung Funktioniert, entschuldigung für meinen Fehler. MFG René ,
Hi, a small mistake me because my account is not yet covered. Please order still not book or send. I'm so soon the booking work, sorry for my mistake. MFG René,
Hello, me is a small error undermined because not yet covered my account. Please order not book or send. I'll get back as soon as the booking Works, sorry for my mistake. MFG René,
"hello, i made a slight mistake because my account is not covered. please don't send the order book. i'll call you as soon as the reservation work, sorry for my mistake. mfg rene)